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39 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 20, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 7th
39 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 20, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 7th

Juzt yur average giirl triing to "FiiNd" herself, iif yu wanna know more about me then juzt hit me uup!!!!

*if yu can't take me at mii worzt then you don't deserve me at mii bezt

¢¾ ¢¾ Onn Tha Prowll ¢¾ ¢¾

¢¾ i meet the standards i have set for myself. no one else's.

¢¾ i don't play by the rules.

¢¾ i am not to be understood so don't bother trying. if you think you've got me figured out, i'll prove you wrong.

¢¾ i lead with my heart, and it hurts (a lot) more than it helps; but i can't change it.

¢¾ i would rather starve, but pay the price anyway.

¢¾ i'll fix my make-up before i'll fix what's going on.

¢¾ i keep myself at a distance anymore

¢¾ i'm a lover

¢¾ i'm a fighter

¢¾ i'm a perfectionist, and failing horribly.

¢¾ i will never show you all of me

¢¾ i have no regrets anymore iv'e learned from them

¢¾ i will never ever say "if only" anymore

¢¾ i'm untouchable and untamed

¢¾ i have a life story that happens in the credits that roll after the happy ending. the part they don't show you.

¢¾ i don't believe in happily ever afters... only happily after alls.

¢¾i cry really easily, but won't ever openly admit it out loud

¢¾ i'm horribly affectionate, though it may take me a moment to get there.

¢¾ i don't ever have a damn clue as to what's going on. ask someone else.

¢¾ i love hugs

¢¾ i am constantly surrounded by people and still very alone.

¢¾ i am deeply in love with pink !!

¢¾ everything is a 'side note' with me; i tend to miss out on the big picture.

¢¾ i hate silence more than anything in the world.

¢¾ i can be a little bit bitter from time to time

¢¾ i'm high maintenance in the worst way.

¢¾ do not cross me wrong, you'll regret it

¢¾ the louder you speak; the less i hear.

¢¾ i'm an easy person to dislike if you can't see past the end of your own nose. either way, i don't really care.

¢¾ "maybe" is just a polite way of saying "no"

¢¾ distance doesn't have to make a difference

¢¾ i hate, hate, hate losing friends; but i do. it hurts.

¢¾ if you love me, don't just tell me... show me

¢¾ i don't believe that anything is 'forever'

¢¾ i think the sexiest assets anyone can ever have are a great sense of humor and intelligence.

¢¾ i would love to learn the art of piercings, tatoos, bartending,and cosmetology

¢¾ i bite my lipz when i lie.

¢¾ i am the most treacherous girl you'll ever meet.

¢¾ i've got a temper like a hurricane when provoked.

¢¾ i can be cold-blooded, but never heartless.

¢¾ i have a past and wear my scars proudly.

¢¾ i'm a dreamer

¢¾ i don't believe in time. it's only numbers.

¢¾ everything happens for a reason

¢¾ i keep too many secrets

¢¾ i worry, overthink and overanalyze everything excessively.

¢¾ i love making other people laugh.

¢¾ i'm not a morning person. i like the dark.

¢¾ i think the sexiest part of my body is my eyez

¢¾ i have a short attention span.

¢¾ i'm hopelessly addicted to laying out !!

¢¾ i speak loudly.

¢¾ i love learning, so teach; don't preach.

¢¾ i respect brutal honesty, but find it to be overrated.

¢¾ i have no tolerance for ignorance.

¢¾ i have a deep, bitter, raging, unrelenting hatred towards people who are COWARDZ !!!!

¢¾ i can curse more than a sailor from time to time.

¢¾ i am too forgiving for my own good

¢¾ perfection is a myth, there is beauty in the flaws of being human.

¢¾ i'll be almost painfully quiet and reserved when you first meet me, unless there is an unhealthy amount of alcohol in my system.

¢¾ i'm biggest dork/nerd you'll ever meet.

¢¾ i absolutely cannot stand being tickled.

¢¾ i love long car rides to nowhere in particular.

¢¾ i'm a night owl.

¢¾ i love walking barefoot.

¢¾ i have no grace, i am clumsy beyond all reasonable doubt.

¢¾ i miss the feeling of innocence.

¢¾ i hate talking on the phone for long periods of time.

¢¾ i love it when someone plays with my hair. it makes everything better, regardless of what's going on.

¢¾ i think the cures to a bad day are time with your best friends, a sexy pair of heels, chinese take-out and drag queen movies.

¢¾ i'm addicted to eye make-up & lipgloss !!

¢¾ the following thoroughly, and truly disgust me: racism, ignorance, narcissism, domestic violence and animal abuse.

¢¾ my drink of choice is mountain dew

¢¾ i love animals and i own the two greatest cats: sir dookie and Marii-Jane!!!

¢¾ please don't try to force your beliefs on me, i have my own.

¢¾ i'm ridiculously domestic and enjoy cooking and baking for my friends and family

¢¾ i have an obsession with smell goodz

¢¾ i own a retarded amount of stuffed animals, and i'm not sorry.

¢¾ i love being all wrapped up in warm blankets... much like a burrito. hehe

¢¾ i snort when i laugh.

¢¾ lifez not supposed to be easy, or simple. and if it doesn't hurt, it's not worth it.

¢¾ i enjoy singing at the top of my lungs during long car rides.

39 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 20, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 7th

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  • Someone ⇒ sugarkisses
    PhotobucketHope u have a great day come check out our lounge
    click here to enter barPhotobucket
    PhotobucketHope u have a great day come check out our lounge

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Lady Ashysugarkisses
    Hi there! I hope you're enjoying Fubar!Come join UnHoly Paranoia the hottest lounge around!We have hot gals, hot guys, and plenty of drinks flowing all night long!Just mention Lady Ashy sent you Have a great night and I hope to see you there!!

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Twitch OFP Own ...sugarkisses
    ust dropping by to pop ur comment cherry....i think ill keep a woman like you around for a while

    14 years ago · Reply
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