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54 Year Old · Female · From Wichita, KS · Joined on March 15, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 16th
54 Year Old · Female · From Wichita, KS · Joined on March 15, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 16th
54 Year Old · Female · From Wichita, KS · Joined on March 15, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 16th

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  • 10 years ago · Reply
  • 10 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Good morning and wishes for a great weekend for you, here is the poem of the day.I have a need for confirmation only you can fillfor you are the one thing in life that is truly real.I have a desire to feel every part of you so near,so will you come and sate this desire, my dear ?I am truly not looking to have sex or nasty to be,if we end making love that would be great with me,but what I need is the wonderful feel of your headlaying on my chest as we lay here in our own bed.The feel of your soft hand as it runs over my chest,reminding of all in this life that is indeed the best,as I draw the strength I need to go on from your touch,for you are my motivation for doing so very much.You give me hope and reason, fill my heart with love,so much more than inspiration, an angel from above,without you I would be lost and alone, my dear wife.So lay with me and make me whole, for you are my life.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    climb out of bed in the morning and start the fireclothes out of the washer and put them in the dryermake a pot of coffee like I have every day beforelisten for it to start perking as I head out the doorI need to grain the horses and check their water tooput them out to pasture whenever they are throughwatching the horses play will always make me smile.head back to the house to warm up for a little whileopen a can of cat food so that they will not screampour a cup of coffee with sugar and some rich creamsitting at the table I see the first downy flakes of snowIt is indeed beautiful but it will melt by days end thoughFinish up my cup and fill a bucket full of cracked corngo and feed the chickens as I do each and every morngather the eggs and back to the house once againthe dogs stop to play or just to be a pestering painput the bread in the toaster and bacon in the fry panand hope that the day will go something like I plancrack some of the eggs and drop them in the pan to frybutter the toast as the buzzer warns the clothes are dryfold the clothes while I have breakfast to start my dayand then head out the door to work as bills I must payjust another day of working my poor fingers to the bonea typical one when you must face each of them alone.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    A short one for hump day, hope that you have an awesome day.The very first time that I looked upon her gorgeous faceI knew that I loved her so by the way my heart did race.There was no way to resist I knew and I did not even tryI knew that if the reason arose, for her I would gladly die.Envisioning our lives together my mind did wildly raceand I loved her more each and every time I saw her face.It is not a love that could fade or die, the truest in the worl'for how could any father not forever truly love his baby girl?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    I am often asked why I send poems I have written. First and foremost it is because I like for my friends to know that I have thought of them and taken the time to send something when I can. Secondly, I found out that some of the picture comments contain viruses and can infect the computer that they are sent to,so this narrowed the options. I decided to send the poems because so many men seem to have forgotten that you need to speak to a lady's heart in soft wooing tones as well. That comments like"You're Hot" need to be expressed in a more gentlemanly fashion. It seems that society is reverting back to a more crass time and that we have forgotten even how to compliment each other, let alone seduce another; reducing"making love" to the animal act of"having sex". It is my hope that poetry will bring a smile to the receipiant and make other re-evaluate thier outlook and actions toward women. I feel that if men forget to pay basic respect and sensuality during a compliment, how long before they stop showing it in any form? I tend to write most of my poetry to try to get people to think about life or to learn to appreciate what they do have in life and hope that it will help people through hard times. Lastly, it is my hope that people will see that you are receiving a comment so often from one person and think about how often they do or do not do the same.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Here is the poem I wrote for today, it is a happy poem, but in a somber way.I was there to hear the choir of angels singas you cast off the promises of a single lifewatched as many a possibility took to wingas you made a solemn vow to be my loving wife.I am so aware of all that you could have been,of how great must have been your true destiny,of the places you could have gone and seen,and that you gave it all up just to be with me.All of this you gladly did to be my loving brideand all that I can say are these words so true"Forever I want you to remain here by my sidefor I shall always be so much in love with you."So let us face the uncertain future joined as oneand know that we shall always have each otherto rely on even when our lives are at last doneand that I will love you and never want another.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Here is the poem of the day, I wrote it for those who love but are afraid to admit it.Why is it that you feel you have to lie to me?The truth is plain enough for the world to see,it is easy to see in your eyes and in you smile,and yes,I have known the truth for quite a while.So why is it that you will not just admit it is true,for I know that you love me as much as I love you.Is it because you do not think that this can last,or the result of some player you knew in the past?Did one that you loved run away when he first heardyou in a moment of truth or passion say that word,and now you fear that I will react in the same way?The truth is it's the one word that will make me stay.I wish you could see that you have nothing to fear,that I will always love you and want to be right hereregardless of rather or not you admit it the truth to me,as long as in your actions and in your eyes it I can see.What a wonderful thing to hear it and know it's true,when you trust me enough to finally say"I love you."

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    A short poem about memories that I wrote for today.Here in my mind I can still feel your burning touch,a wonderful sensation that seems almost too much.My memory races and brings back your lilting voice,filling my head and taking away my freedom of choice.The aromatic perfume of your essence fills my sensessending small shivers through my body as it tenses.I can feel it all so very real as if you were still right here,even though you left and have been gone well over a year.Love's precious memories haunt my tortured heart still,as if born anew and I begin to think that they always will.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Behold the fragile apple blossom perched high in the treespreading fragrance and beauty for all to smell and see.There it stays, just one among the countless many there,but unique in it's own way for any who bother to compare.It seems to be such a frail thing yet is truly so very strongwithstanding every harsh, punishing wind that comes along.It clings on and fights until at last it's duty is finally done,surviving the pelting rain and aged by the rays of the sun.Then it falls below and returns to the great waiting earthleaving behind the precious fruit, which she has given birth.Even in this final act having given all that she could give,then gives nourishment to the tree so that the fruit can live.Such it seems this is the role that a lady does in this life,giving all to her duty as a wonderful mother and a loving wife.While we miss the blossom when it has fallen to the ground,take heart that in the fruit she made part of her can be found.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Never shall the winds of time your beauty ever erase,though it might age you and put wrinkles on your face.You have changed since we first met and will some more,gained and lost weight from time to time and I still findthat your evolving beauty is always on my loving mind.Each change that comes, like the growing of a gray hair,that seems to make you worry and fills you with despair,serve to remind me that you're more beautiful than before,that time itself has had effect on your most precious partfor still it has been unable to change your loving heart.Worry not about the years or the effect they have on you,just as long as your heart keeps loving me and is so true,you will only grow more beautiful as I grow to love you more.Let us forget about such trivial matters as them we rise above,each shielded from the ravages of time by the others love.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Am I just some foolish dreamer for feeling like I do,when everyday I see more new things imply it wrong?I am no longer sure that love exist or that it ever did,but this crazy dream will not go away and is so strong,that one day I might find a love that will be forever true.I see women cheat on good men, finding them a bore,or just use them for whatever they can manage to getand have witnessed such things since I was just a kid.Am I wrong to still believe and on love my heart to bet,or is it selfish of me to still expect to find much more?I have heard that loves eternal and will always find a way.It is a blessed a thing sent from the heaven for us here.The more I see the more I doubt and become more afraid,I am just condemned to live life alone it starts to appear.Is love just another fairytale to make it through each day?All I dream of is one good woman that will love me true,that will be there beside me as through life we do go,one that will want me as we create the plans we made.A lady who looks past this shell and my heart does know,yes, I am just a foolish dreamer, but is that dream of you?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Be still my heart, remember, she must mortal beor there is no way she would ever be here with me.Slow down a bit to a pace where you can get rest,it feels like you are trying to come out of my chest.You handle every situation by being dull and drollyet at the thought of her and you race out of control.Why let her beauty cause you to stop in mid beatand pause until you almost knock me off my feet,then cause you to race as she draws ever near,and make my stomach turn as if from a great fear?How is that just her touch and can set you to a fireand fill you with such longing and insatiable desire?When I hear her voice even if it is only on the phone,you hurt with anticipation and even more when alone.Are you trying to tell me you have fallen in love at last,that she is so very special, like none known in the past?If I admit that I love and that she truly has me hexed,will you then tell me what it is that I should do next?For I only want to please her in each and every way,find a way to make sure that with me she will stay.So stop this erratic behavior and tell me, oh so true,lest she slip away and that break you right in two.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    I have a short poem I have written for this day, I do hope that all my friends enjoy it and that it finds you and yours healthy and happy.I am not a famous or exciting man of any sortno big star of the silver screen or of any sportI am not the lead singer in a band of great famemost people have never even heard of my nameUpon the moon I am destined to never even stepthere will be no signs showing every place I sleptthere is nothing like that to get interest from youI am no more than the man who loves you so true.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Some people seem to need to feel superior to others and will categorize them with a name. I have been called a hick because I live in the country, have horses, and so on. After thinking about it, I wear the name with pride regardless how the other person meant it. Hicks, like almost all groups, people choose to segregate, are some amazing people.If you hunt for me, you will find I am listed among the HicksThe poor common folk that choose to live back in the sticks.The kind of folk who have a job but also have to do choresthat build bonfires and teach the kids how to make Smores.Among those that if you do need any help are glad to giveand by the Golden Rule most still their lives do try to live.We are dirt poor by the standards most will use to judgebut from this great way of life one of us will rarely budge.You might think us ignorant, having taken no college courses,but we have the knowledge of things like survival and horses.We may not have all that city people have, who are on the run,but we appreciate what we have and know how to have fun.We feel at home when we out among the lakes and treeswith the nature that provides and we care for, we are at ease.It is a harder life, I will admit that this much is so very trueand may not be the choice that is best for some like youBut I will stay in the sticks until my life is finally throughcity life is not a thing that for long I would ever want to do.When I look up let me only see the vast sky and tall treesand let me feel the grass below and the cool summer breeze.Watch the strutting of turkeys and meandering of the deerand all the things that nature gives for us to hold so dear.When time says my final breath has been drawn and spentI will know that like nature, this country life was heaven sent.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    I grew up watching Roy Rodgers always win the dayand was told that things in life would go the same way,that if you were a good man and always stayed true,in the end good things would always come to you.I believed it all because I was still just a foolish child,they often believe in lies regardless how big and wild.As I lived my life I tried to always mind that thoughtand for truth and honor always I have gladly fought.I was even stupid enough to fall in love that one timethinking that it would make life special and sublime.Fate and life have combined to teach me so well,being good is only good for keeping you out of hell,here in life, unpunished will never go a good deed;people are after all they can get, not what they need.I guess I am still a child deep in my heart from thenfor I keep believing that some day the good will win.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Just a short poem for today. I hope that you have GREAT DAY.You told me that I look good and I was glad to hearsaid it was good the way you felt when I was nearand the way that we could talk through the nightand that it was good the way we felt so very right.You said I was a good man and my heart beat fastmy good morals and honor meant that it would last.It was good the way that I truly did only want youand good that my heart beat with a love so true.Guess it was not good enough for you did leave meand ran off with a pretty boy, acting wild and free.Know that when he has had his fun and is throughthat you have destroyed my heart and trust in you.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    I can now say without the slightest hesitation,that I wish to give you my love and adoration.If History does indeed the future predict true,I know that I will never end up being with you.Women do seem to like the thought of a faithful manone that will stay and always try to understan',that respects them as a partner and treats them right,that appreciates them and that never wants to fight,which makes me seem like the one that you would desire;but the truth is most women are more like most men are,Looking for the one that has the most expensive caror the prettiest one that they could have ever meet,even if they do not treat them like a lady, sweet.They might settle with a dependable man like mebut then sneak off to some wild bad boy secretly see.If there is any lesson I have seen in the pastit is, the nice guy does always seem to finish last.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    I fielded a few questions about symbiosis from my introduction yesterday.The example most used is the termite, it has a bacteria in it's stomach that digest the wood it is eats; providing nutrients for the termite. Without the bacteria, the termite would die, without the termite the bacteria would; they work together and evenly give, both flourish.It has been my observation that relationships are either symbiotic or parasitic( where one feeds off of the other, not giving enough in return); as in nature, parasites harm the host, often killing it.I have given you my heart as you have yours to me,now forever joined in life and love we are bound to be.It is up to me to make the love that fuels that heartgrow stronger still with each and every passing hour while for you it is a cherished and well needed partfor me it the constant source of inspiration and power.Knowing it is your heart will guide every action I take,and remind me that I get all my strength from you.It will be the reason for every decision that I will makeand I do truly hope that mine will be the same too.Joined in this symbiotic way we will surely forever be,gaining strength from you as you draw yours from me.For any love that is not symbiotic and in true harmonywill not survive the long run as parasitic is must beIf one draws love and inspiration from the others heartbut does return the same, the love will soon go sour.Like a parasite feeding off the other, with no giving partthe other continues to weaken with each passing hour.As it is in nature, so with matters of the heart it will be,so let's live this life being the others peace and harmony.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary Musequesta39
    Here is the poem I wrote for today while talking to somebody that said they have never"used" another person.We all use others, but do not have to do it in a bad way, symbiosis is the goal.When I tell you that I will love you eternallyCan't you tell I do not want you to belong to me,but rather need you to be the most important partof my very being, I have given you my heart.How could I ever live without you here in my lifefor you are my true motivation in times of strife.There are very many ways that you I will use,for guidance, inspiration, and as my beautiful muse;to help me become a better person through the daysand making my life happier in so many ways.I can only hope that I can do the same for youand together we can make all life's dreams come true.So take my hand now and let us join our lives as oneand keep a vow to be that way until life is done.Then as we pass from this life into eternitywe will then face it as one forever, you and me.

    14 years ago · Reply
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