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34 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Supervillain · Joined on March 7, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st
34 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Supervillain · Joined on March 7, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st

I'm Joe
I'm 19 years old and know abosolutely nothing about anything, but am willing to learn.
Some people say to think outside the box, i like to act outside the box. I enjoy amusing myself when i'm bored; this incluedes: walking funny, dancing for no reason, singing Disney's Alladin i can show you the world in public and waiting for someone to jump in with Jasmines part, it also includes asking people i don't know akward questions.
I snowboard as often as i can which is less than i'd like it to be.
My dream is to be a Chef and open my own restaurant. I'm going to be going to bartending school next month.
I currently am working at a family owned restaurant near my house as a cook.
I tend to act before i think, this causes problems with some people.
If i do not look serious when i say something I AM NOT, 90% of what comes outta my mouth is sarcasm and i'm currently working on keeping that in check.
If i am smoking at all i am smoking Marlboro 27's.
if you care to know anything else just ask, i am a very open person but i will tell you what's what if i don't like something or if you annoy me i'll let you know.

34 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Supervillain · Joined on March 7, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st
Snowboarding is what i'd like to be my life. I currently ride an 07' Ride kink, Burton Moto Bindings, Burton Boots, Ride Coat/Snowpants. Board is neon green, bindings are white with neon green, pants are black, and coat is white/black. hat is black with some white, Oakley Goggles.

Music is not my life, so if you think music is your life and you don't actually play an instrument you can burn in a righteous pit of hellfire for making yourself look like a jackass. I play the bass guitar. Music sets the pace for my day.

Movies are cool, still wanna see Avatar but if i had to choose between the two i'd see Princess and the Frog first. Inglorious Basterds in on my to watch list.

I have plenty of other interests if you're curious ask.

Rise Against
Jack's Mannequin
Tenacious D
The Doors
Any Disney Song(preferably music from Alladin)
The Killers
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Guns 'N' Roses

Anything Indie
Some Rap
Some Country
Some Rock

Video Games
World of Warcrack : Shattered Hand
Main: Level 80 Human Warrior
Alts: 55 Dreanai preist, 58 troll huntard, 60 waste of time DK.

on PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4, Dante's Inferno, Deadspace
anything Final Fantasy but FFIX>All

Xbox: Halo 1-3, ODST was cool but hopefully just a money grabber for reach.
Gears of War: Sniper>Torque Bow. it is a challenge.

Wii: Super smash Bro's Brawl.
nintendo GameCube: SuperSmash Bro's period
Ps2: As said b4 anything Final Fantasy.
DragonBall Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3. it is also a challenge.

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  • IIZippyII Job number 2 starts in the next couple weeks. line cookin for 11$ an hour hopefully. worst case scenario prep cookin again for 9.25$ at least i get 40+ hours a week.
    15 years ago · Comment

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  • LegitFknSnack R...IIZippyII

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  • Someone ⇒ IIZippyII
    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWelcome to Fubar!A Social page to meet everyone around the worldCome join us in the APPS CAFE, where you'll find all kinds of APPS .Fubars first Gamers Lounge.There are 33 games to select from.Wordace, FuMafia, Soldiers, Game Top Arcade, Heist, Drinking Wars, War Legends,Locked Up, Sex Games.....And much much more!!Don't Forget Fubars FaceBook Group & APPS Cafe Facebook Group.We like to have fun, talk about all the good games, and live 24/7 Dj Shows! --- > Hiring All Staff < --- Cut and paste the link below to your browser and we'll see you soon! --- > http://fubar.com/lounge/appscafe < --- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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