Hey Hottie, welcome to Fubar. How are you? Stopped by your page to rate you a 10. If you get a moment and can return the favor, I'd greatly appreciate it.Also..If get a moment come on into our lounge.....Forbidden....for some friendly chatter and good tunes. Copy and paste the link below to go there. Hope to see you soon!XOXOXOX **Now Hiring**http://www.fubar.com/lounge/64791
*~*~*~*~*~CLUB PARADOX~*~*~*~*~*HIP HOP / R&B / OLD SCHOOL ....................24/7.................... COME JOIN US FOR DRINKS~~~*!*!*!*!*!*Live DJS*!*!*!*!*!*~~~~*~*~ DRAMA FREE ZONE ~*~*~*Copy & Paste the link below to enter http://www.fubar.com/lounge/70676
Who Wants More DRAMA?!?!NOT US!DRAMAFREECoMe To ThE LOUD ROCK LOUNGE!We Guarantee Lots of Drinks GREAT MUSIC, & NODrama!Just Copy & Paste the Link In Your Browser http://fubar.com/lounge/loud WaNnA Do MoRe STUFF On FUBAR!?We're LKING for LOUNGE STAFF!MaKe MoRe FrIeNdS, EnJoY PeRkS!Get SHTFACED When You JOIN Our FAMILY!IF ITS TOO LOUD YOUR TOO OLDCOME PLAY WHERE THE GROWN UP'S HAVE FUN{NSFW}come spend the night with us on 2/27/10 2/27/10 8pm est fight night in the lounge see the greeters eat each others challanges it should be funfree bling giveaways and a cheery bomb drawingmust be present to win hope to see you then