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38 Year Old · Male · From Chicago, IL · Joined on February 19, 2010 · Born on August 8th
38 Year Old · Male · From Chicago, IL · Joined on February 19, 2010 · Born on August 8th

I've been told I'm one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I'm a great communicator and have a lot to offer... I'm very outgoing, spontaneous(yet organized,) friendly, smart and valued individual. I believe life is to short to regret. In all reality, you're just whining and pouting to yourself in the end. If you know me you'd probably say I'm an insightful, friendly and happy guy; if you don't know me... I encourage you to make an attempt to. Biggrin.gif I make a great friend and always am there. Let's get technical. You're only given one life, right? Take it or leave it... take advantage of it or hate it. Do what your wishes embody, take risks, sacrifice, experience things. Live and learn! Nobody is perfect, even me. If you're young or old encourage yourself to do those things that maybe someone else may think is stupid or not the best decision, atleast than you won't regret not doing it in the future. Not one person in this world are the same, there for, pride your individuality! Don't mourn on the fact that someone is better looking than you, skinnier than you, bigger than you are, has more money than you do, or is everything you want to be, because if you wanted to be like someone else there'd be less you, and you'd be selling yourself short. I treasure individualism, confidence and integrity, because I know if someone has integrity they also characterize loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, maturity and other winning qualities. Immaturity, fakeness, dishonesty, boring, irresponsibility and cheaters/players turn me off. There's no explanation to lie, it's a small world... lie's can only go so far before you get caught and look bad. Friends are good, best friends are better... I have been emotionally drained and hurt to wear my heart on my sleeve. You're always going to be surrounded by ignorant, abusive, damnifying, dishonest, irresponsible, unfaithful and painful people, and sometimes you'll take them for granted and unfortunately get rotten hurt in the end. Bitter? No, simply been through first hand experience in the matter. My interests, beliefs and values are my drug... they keep me going through life and barricading the bad, and opening to the good. I'm an insightful, honest, responsible, friendly and outgoing guy

38 Year Old · Male · From Chicago, IL · Joined on February 19, 2010 · Born on August 8th
Friends. Basketball, and volleyball are the basics... i love being outdoors so i like to go camping and fishing and all that good stuff! But i still like the fun stuff like driving around singing on the top of my lungs! And making up some pretty sweet dances!!Duh!
I'm what you'd see as a "Music Junky." I love music! Absolutely! My life would be so boring without music. One time my cars battery died and after I got it started my radio wasn't working... I drove from SW Portland/Beaverton back to Gresham without the radio or any music... and it made the trip just seem 8 times longer... and that's what, a 25 minute drive? Strange how some things influence us, moreso entertain.

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  • jeffallen It's the game of life. Do I win or do I lose? One day they're gonna shut the game down. I gotta have as much fun and go around the board as many times as I can before it's my turn to leave.
    15 years ago · Comment · View all comments (1) »

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