HEY!!! You should read thisHELLO & Welcome to FUBARCome Rawk with the Best Fam and Friends around! UnHoLy PaRaNoia,Have some drinks and Join in the FUN!!http://www.fubar.com/new_lounge.php?lid=50245Copy and paste the link ^^^ and join the insanity!! Hope to see you there!
HEY, glad you made it..As a loyal member of FUBAR,I want to welcome you.You have entered the greatestANDONLY online HANGOUT on the net!Sit back, take your shoes off.You are in for the thrill ride FOR SURE!And if you like, stop on by,Check out profiles, pics and stashes,You might even have a laugh or 2..NOW THE FUN CAN BEGINCAUSE YOU ARE HERE!ENJOY YOURSELFYour Friendly NeighborhoodPastor RedByrdAlso a creator of Fu-Wedding/Engagement & Divorce Certificates!Give a holla if my services are needed!