LOOK! FLASHIES!! Now that I have your attention, WELCOME to fubar! I know you might feel a little overwhelmed but if you want a place to hang out, listen to good tunes and chat with the sexiest people EVER, come check out Snake Eyes Radio!Copy and paste this link.. >>> http://www.fubar.com/lounge/51103 <<<Slap it in your address bar, hit enter and let the good times come Keep your Buzz level at 100% with us and DONT forget to click the subscribe buttonSee you in Snake Eyes!!
WeLcOme To FuBaRWho Wants More DRAMA?!?!NOT US!DRAMAFREECoMe To ThE LOUD ROCK LOUNGE!We Guarantee Lots of Drinks GREAT MUSIC, & NODrama! Just Copy & Paste the Link In Your Browser http://fubar.com/lounge/69937 WaNnA Do MoRe STUFF On FUBAR!?We're LKING for LOUNGE STAFF!MaKe MoRe FrIeNdS, EnJoY PeRkS!Get SHTFACED When You JOIN Our FAMILY!IF ITS TOO LOUD YOUR TOO OLDCOME PLAY WHERE THE GROWN UP'S HAVE FUN{NSFW}HAPPYHOLIDAYS