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37 Year Old · Male · Joined on December 20, 2009 · Born on March 4th
37 Year Old · Male · Joined on December 20, 2009 · Born on March 4th

Hello there! Thanks for looking at my profile. I'm nice looking young man, hard working, kind, caring, honest, 21 year old. Guy whose always positive and looks on the bright side of life. I love travelling, meeting new people, trying new things and having a laugh. I’m online at yellow smile) dmitry696atyawhudotcom Very like a guitar, snowboarding and basketball. I'm not cheating or gaming and hate cheat!

I am looking for a girl for serious relationship. Lady with a similar outlook on life for a serious (and fun!) long term relationship. She is easy going and simple in habits. The difference in age and color for me is not important. And if necessary, ready to move to the first date)) Therefore, for those who want to cheat or try to profit from me - please do not write me! On the first day of our meeting, I’ll can begin to communicate via video camera (skype, yahoo messenger, MSN, ICQ and others), because I do not hide my appearance under a false picture! And those girls, who for some reason, living now in Nigeria, please do not write me! I already have the experience and so if you can confirm (as a web camera or anything else) that the picture on your profile – its really you, then with you I will talk first. I cant loiter away my precious time on idle chatter! If you do not intend for a serious relationship, please do not write me!

37 Year Old · Male · Joined on December 20, 2009 · Born on March 4th

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  • Dj PaRaNoiA CwP...dmitry696
    HELLO & Welcome to FUBARCome Rawk with the Best Fam and Friends around! UnHoLy PaRaNoia,Have some drinks and Join in the FUN!!Copy and paste the link and join the insanity!! Hope to see you there! http://www.fubar.com/new_lounge.php?lid=50245

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