we have the same birthday!!! hey whenever you get a chance check out my new lounge its called Club Hero and don't forget click the join icon and check back in once and awhile I will be back there later https://www.fubar.com/lounge/70075
WeLcOme To FuBaRWho Wants More DRAMA?!?!NOT US! DRAMA-FREECoMe To ThE LOUD ROCK LOUNGE!We Guarantee Lots of Drinks, GREAT PPL, & NO Drama! Just Copy & Paste the Link! http://fubar.com/lounge/69937 WaNnA Do MoRe STUFF On FUBAR!?We're LOOKING for LOUNGE STAFF!MaKe MoRe FrIeNdS, EnJoY PeRkS!Get SHI*TFACED When You JOIN Our FAMILY!IF ITS TOO LOUD YOUR TOO OLDCOME PLAY WHERE THE GROWN UP'S DO{NSFW}