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36 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 18, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 15th
36 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 18, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 15th

Does anyone even read these? Well anyway, my name is Amanda. I am bisexual, but in a serious relationship with a man. We want to have a threesome with another girl, but so far no luck I love to go shopping and scrapbook. Chocolate is my guilty pleasure, and I kinda think I'm a sex-addict... I go to school full time to be a nurse, and I'm one of those weird people who actually like school. I know, right... I'm not much of a dog person, even though I have two that I love to death. I am a big girly-girl, but still not afraid to get a little dirty once in a while. Pink is my favorite color, but I wear mostly black and all types of blues. I listen to pretty much nothing but rap, and I live for dancing. I want to have kids really bad some day very soon, but not too soon. I love taking pictures of myself, but have such a hard time deciding which ones to put up on the internet. I am obsessed with Eminem. I think he is the sexiest man alive! I don't really know what else to say. Oh yeah, I am only 5'4", 106lbs, and I get carded all the time because people think I'm only 15. And no, I'm not anorexic, I'm just naturally small. I have long hair, and I practically cry whenever I have to get it cut. Well, that's it for now I guess. If you want to know more, send me a message. And not those stupid ones either. Send me an actuall message because I just delete the other ones. PS: please no guys. Sorry, but I'm not interested. I'll just deny your friend request, so don't bother.

36 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 18, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 15th

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  • Santa Clausekissesgirlsandl...
    Santa here checking my list. Are you naughty or nice? Follow this link http://www.fubar.com/lounge/santas_naughty_workshop to my lounge. Bring your friends and Hit the join button. If your looking for FU~Work we have a job for you.....WIN A CHERRY BOMB OR AUTO 11Check out my contest at this linkhttp://www.fubar.com/bulletins.php?b=1566758631 and remember to BOMB SANTA !

    15 years ago · Reply
  • XxBDRxXogah4LifexXkissesgirlsandl...
    WeLcOme To FuBaRWho Wants More DRAMA?!?!NOT US! DRAMA-FREECoMe To ThE LOUD ROCK LOUNGE!We Guarantee Lots of Drinks, GREAT PPL, & NO Drama! Just Copy & Paste the Link! http://fubar.com/lounge/69937 WaNnA Do MoRe STUFF On FUBAR!?We're LOOKING for LOUNGE STAFF!MaKe MoRe FrIeNdS, EnJoY PeRkS!Get SHI*TFACED When You JOIN Our FAMILY!IF ITS TOO LOUD YOUR TOO OLDCOME PLAY WHERE THE GROWN UP'S DO{NSFW}

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Kerrykissesgirlsandl...
    Welcome to Fubar! Stopped by your page to rate you a 10. If you get a moment and can return the favor, I'd greatly appreciate it.also..If get a moment..stop by our lounge..Forbidden. Copy and paste the link below to go there. We'd love to see you in there!XOXOXOX **Now Hiring**http://www.fubar.com/lounge/64431

    15 years ago · Reply
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