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40 Year Old · Male · From Columbus, GA · Joined on December 14, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 9th · I have a crush on someone!
40 Year Old · Male · From Columbus, GA · Joined on December 14, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 9th · I have a crush on someone!

And herein lies the suckery that I was dreading from the moment I signed up to the social networking craze that I have until now evaded like the plague.

My life is boring, yet meaningful in that i can still breathe and function as a seemingly normal human drone, so there is something to be thankful for. When I'm not whiling away my existence on the couch (video games, movies, tv) I am preventing retarded morons from absconding from my store with petty items that will most likely destroy their career. I cant go into much more detail than that lest i lose my security clearance but I assure you it as interesting as it sounds. No, in all honesty while being horrendously monotonous i DO really enjoy my work and value my job. And I like to put ignorant thieves in prison... we all have something we're thankful for.

40 Year Old · Male · From Columbus, GA · Joined on December 14, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 9th · I have a crush on someone!
Well, I am unabashed Sapiosexual, demiromantic, tantric energy vampire who occasionally enjoys the full sanguinarian EXPERIENCE. While I have the money and material goods I feel I NEED (not want) it means nothing more to me than providing me the ability to spread it around to make lasting memories to talk about when I inevitably shake loose this shell and flee this mortal coil for my real Home... My kind, and you know who you are probably isn't going to be thrilled to see me give away the WHOLE plot on an innocuous little FWB dating site thinly veiled as an online bar so those that have can have more by selling digital trinkets and baubles that only carry the value your willing to pay for them... but fuck the haters. and thank you... I drink four bottles of haterade before I get up in the morning and it only makes me stronger than you and your negativity. torpedo me one moment, and I'll burn your whole family's house down the next... try me motherfuckers. we all have a past. you don't want to know mine...
My taste in music is pretty eclectic. On any given day I can go from modern jazz to death metal, frank sinatra to emo, and back again. It really depends on my mood but all time favorites are definitely, Disturbed, Marylin Manson (though he gets lamer with each album) Red Hot Chili Peppers, Breaking Benjamin, Cage the Elephant, Rehab, and pretty much anything that either pisses you off or makes you want to cut your wrists... respectively.

1) American Beauty

2) Sex Drive (wow that was a departure)

3) Anything in the style of Pulp Fiction, Gone Baby Gone, Reservoir Dogs.. Fuck anything thats an intelligent/dramatic/comedic look at the fuck-tardedness of life but still manages to deliver a gripping story that sticks you to the couch to while away another couple hours of your existence in a less than pissed off state...
Here we go again, Thomas Jefferson cause he actually had something to stand for other than just fucking his slaves... oh that wasn't nice. Teddy Roosevelt, because he moved for no man and rode with the Rough Riders into war as a sitting US President! The Joker, because he sacrifices his life as an agent of chaos, forsaking money and morality to send a message that's heard round the world. John Glenn, cause he got to jump around on something that was even less interesting and vacuous than the Earth. John Glenn for the same reason, and for him not being a cocky dick-nose about it. Glenn Beck, cause hes not afraid to tell it like it is. Marylin Manson cause he has never given a shit about what anyone thinks a solitary day of his life. And anyone who has the balls to know who they are and not give a fuck what anyone else thinks... Write your own program...
Video Games
I FUCKING LOVE VIDEO GAMES! But I have no time to play them... Instead, I'm designing serious simulations for the Metaverse so that we can break down the cultural, language and geographical barriers that keep us divided through engineered political and social problems going back millennia... Whoa boy, turn it down their, geekman. Anyway, its true. I go to nerd school and I studied VR and NETSEC. though now I just launched my company from my dorm room like Zuck. We will be a household name by next year... bet me.
As much as I love games I don't have a ton of time to play them anymore between travelling internationally and investors meetings etc... when I can plug in, I love serious simulators, shooters, grand strategy, RPGs you can get lost in, but not so much the Tolkien-wannabes, any free-roaming games, and pretty much anything that will take my mind off how much life is designed to fuck you in the ass. On the otherhand i suppose if the world didn't suck us in then we'd all fall off, so... and my kind already fell once. this our last chance for redemption... sort of... but I digress. Questions ladies? inbox me. Maybe I will answer them after your legs stop quaking so violently... maybe... we all have our choices, right?

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  • illusionzend Hello Townsend GA. Back in the states to declare some corporate entities before moving back to Egypt where I planted a few businesses. Living the dream... for real this time.
    3 years ago · Comment

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