49 Year Old
Joined on December 11, 2009
Born on July 17th
I like to chat on msn, sit down and watch tv with the cat, draw and paint, abstract or whatever I feel like. I like to read positive stuff and in th process of focusing my energy on creative visualizing and spirituality things. I like calligraphy and yoga.
49 Year Old
Joined on December 11, 2009
Born on July 17th
HEY, glad you made it..As a loyal member of Fubar,I want to welcome you.You have entered the greatestANDONLY online pub on the net!Sit back, take your shoes off.You are in for the thrill ride FOR SURE!And if you like, stop on by,Check out my profile, pics and stashes,You might even have a laugh or 2..NOW THE FUN CAN BEGINCAUSE YOU ARE HERE!ENJOY YOURSELFYour Friendly NeighborhoodJudge LadyByrd02 I'm also on TWITTER, follow me *JudgeladyByrd02*For the latest news!