I was fu-ing along one day.When I ran into this little fu-lady.She gave me a fu-smile,and I fu-ly returned it.Soon we were fu-talking,and found out we had alot of fu in common.I asked her on a fu-date she fu-agreed.The night was so fu-filling we decieded on another.Soon we were fu-courtin and fu-kissing,Till one day.I fu-ed the question.She said hell fu yes.We set a fu-date.Then the fu-preperations began.We fu-married and were living quit fu-filly.We fu-fued all the time.We were in fu-love.Then it fu-happened.Anther fu bought me fu-drinks.I was fu-ked up.Dont think any fu-fu happened,But to her well she was fu-ming.I fu-begged and fu-pleaded.She packed and fu-bagged me up.Out the door,Me and my fu-ed up misery went.I hope she will fu-give me.Cause its really fu-ed up hanging out in MYSPACE.