Winter is gone ,but my heart stays cold,Dwelling on words you said,lies you told.Blinding my eyes,with your smile,As you ripped at my heart,all the while.You made me believe in things that weren't there,Tricking me into believing ,you really did care.Spring is here ,bringing new life all around,But in my heart ,there is not even a sound.Seasons will come ,and seasons will go,My heart remains in winter,buried deep within the snow.
Some days I write of beauty,Others just for fun.I try to touch many hearts,Before each day is done.If you haven't seen me,Its not that I don't try.I can only do so much,As all you beautys go by.So please come say hello,You are all welcome at my place.And I will spend some time,Adoring your beautiful face.
People turn thier heads,As they pass by,He always wanted to ask,Because he never knew why.He would look in the mirror,To find any little defect.It all appeared good to him,There was nothing he could detect.Still noone would come near,Till one day it all came to an end.And with the sadness gone,A new way of life could begin.What was his problem?What was it that set him apart?Ever since this man was born,He has let out one long continous fart.
Across the sea her heart lies,Yet still it comes to my eyes.How to keep this vision clear,This I must always try.Though her beauty is far,The distance may be vast.In my mind her vision,Willl always seem tto last.Each time I see her,Of her I wish to learn more.To build a bond between us,That streches from both our shores.Now as I look across the sea,A sea that never ends.I start to build my side,and hope she will to begin.
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