35 Year Old
Joined on October 31, 2009
Born on November 6th
I have a crush on someone!
Add me a bghost11689b on yahoo
35 Year Old
Joined on October 31, 2009
Born on November 6th
I have a crush on someone!
Video Games
Mostly Shootin games like Call of duty and stuff like that, and if anone likes God Of War then i recamend Dante's Inferno. That game is the shit.
Latest Status
bghost11689 YOU'RE NOT SCARED! PUT THIS ON YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT PEOPLE RATE YOU! (1) Crazy. (2) I'd marry you. (3) I want to date you. (4) I'd Sleep With You. (5) I miss you. (6) I'd kiss you.(7) Hot. (8) Smart. (9) Imaginative. (10) Random. (11) Jerk. (12) Funny.
Fubars Minacolada LOVES! pounding herself on camfuze for us find more of her on anonib.com on the camfuze sectionhttp://www.zshare.net/video/780488182224195b/
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