50 Year Old
Joined on October 24, 2009
Born on November 27th
1 person has a crush on me!
1)My son is top priority. 2)I'm open minded. 3)My musical interest vary, but my preferences are gothic/industrial. 4)I love my job. (How lucky is that?) 5)Beer is good. 6)My cat(Joey)is good. 7)I respect my friends. They are hard to come by. 8)I respect a woman who respects a man mutually. 9)I have no respect for superficial assholes. 10)Do unto me as I do unto you or we can't be friends. 11)Love yourself. 12)Respect the people you love. 13)Lie if you must, to cover your ass, but don't lie to me. 14)Know right from wrong. Judges and lawyers are self righteos asshholes who are above the laws we are forced to uphold. Follow your heart. You know right from wrong and the courts are usually wrong. 15)Be aware. Watch world news. Ask the French government(and some others)what happens when they take too much from the people. 16)Don't hesitate to tell me if you disagree with me. But don't be rude about it. I am always open to discussion. 17)A man and woman should have mutual respect for eachother(no exceptions). 18)Never hurt another unless you are in physical danger. If you can't hold your temper thanstay home. 19)Know how to defend yourself against assholes who can't adhere to rule #18. You're body is a temple. Defend it as such. 20)Foremost, if you must smite another man, be smart about it.
50 Year Old
Joined on October 24, 2009
Born on November 27th
1 person has a crush on me!
I'm here to meet people and decide who I like. Sound rude? I hope not. I have met some really nice people on Fubar and hope to continue to. I'm not looking for a relationship here. This is my place to escape the drama. I just want to meet people with interests similar to mine and enjoy some converstion. As for my interests, they vary. So good luck nailing just one. I'm easy to get along with - very opened minded. I used to be big into the club scene, but not so much anymore. Mostly because I live in Omaha now. I grew up in much bigger cities than this and miss the life. If you want to know the music I like it's in my profile. I'll say up front, I do not like closed minded people. No one is right all of the time, and I will not deal with that. I try to learn something new everyday, and I expect the same of every self respecting human being. My biggest turnoff(not sexually)is a person who can not respect himself. If you are not happy, fix it. I'm working on that myself, so I expect the same from my friends. I stumbled onto Fubar fortunately and hope to meet some great people. I think this is the place for that.
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garyk0074 Had a killer weekend...Now I am soooooo tired.
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