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45 Year Old · Male · From Harrison, AR · Joined on October 11, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 8th
45 Year Old · Male · From Harrison, AR · Joined on October 11, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 8th

I am 29 years old and currently reside in Harrison, Arkansas and work in Branson, Missouri. I do believe in God and go to church on Sundays when I don't have to work, but Christianity and religion confuses me. I have recently seperated from my first wife, and our divorce is still pending.

Music history has always been my number one favorite topic of discussion, especially 20th century pop/rock history. You name an artist and I might be able to tell you some interesting facts about that artist. It's the same way with different genres and songs.

I have also wanted to be a writer and a film maker. I have written a couple of screenplays that I thought were real good, but haven't been able to sell yet. I have also written some poetry and songs, articles, and comedy bits also, but nothing ever really was published. Some of my articles I decided to put on my myspace blog.

As a kid, I always loved George Lucas and Steven Spielberg films. Movies like Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Back To The Future have always left me awestruck. I also love the Terminator movies, and Titanic, but will watch just about anything. I love movies also!

I am also into vintage pop culture and 20th century american history. This would include things like vintage cars (muscle cars are definitely nice to look at), diners, drive-in theaters, roller coasters, disney, coney island, amusement parks and theme parks, and anything else imaginable that relates to 20th century american pop culture. I am also a big fan of Route 66 and it's history and landmarks.

I am hoping to get into a hobby collecting old vintage records. I recently spent $30 and got 3 at a store in downtown Springfield, MO. I bought two records by the Eagles, and the famous (yet rare) Lynyrd Skynyrd "Street Survivors" album with the flames behind the band. If you want to know why that record is so rare just ask me. There are so many cool albums out there I would like to have someday. I once had a chance to buy an original 1967 issue of the Beatles Seargent Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band album - unopened that's worth at about $300 or so and the guy was willing to sell it to me for $100. It's too bad I didn't have the $100 for it.

I also have a minor interest in web and graphic design. I think it's amazing how you can make one graphic look cooler. I also think it's amazing that what one creative mind can do.

I also find technology very facinating. It amazes me what you can do with your computer these days, and how you can plug your phones and cameras into it. I also think it's pretty cool how computers can talk to each other now, and how we as a human race can sit in a place like Harrison, AR and chat it up with those in Asia or Australia. That is really truly amazing. It's also amazing how we can look at our finances when we want, and also have any bit of information at catalogs at our fingertips! It's really amazing to have it so easy now-a-days to search for things and do things, yet it also scares me. One day the main super computer is going to crash and everyone will be stuck, this is what scares me because it'll cause utter chaos because there would be no electricity, no phone, and traffic lights would also quit.

I also love to travel and play board games and video games. Nothing catches my attention more than enjoying mother nature, or playing a nice game of some kind. I especially love trivia games, especially trivia games that involve music or american pop culture.

I have a Nintendo Wii and even though I don't get on it too much, I do enjoy playing it. If you would like to add me as a Wii friend my Wii ID is 2100 8501 1467.

I also have a website, but I haven't updated it in the last year due to a hard-drive failure, but with places like myspace why would you need a website? Here you can post articles, songs, videos, pictures, etc. which is what I had on my website, but if you would like to check it out anyway, go to www.mikeirvan.com.

45 Year Old · Male · From Harrison, AR · Joined on October 11, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 8th
My hobbies include music, movies, 20th century pop culture (cars, drive-ins, amusement parks, etc), writing, web and graphic design, technology, and I like to play video games and board games. I also like to travel.
ANYTHING! Music is my passion I would like to someday get some kind of degree in music history. I'm an aspiring musicologist, and my main music history interest is 20th century American pop music. You name it, I listen to it. rock, rap, r&b, blues, jazz, classical, country, reggae, oldies, etc. Some favorite artists of mine are (but not limited to) John Mayer, The Eagles, Eric Clapton, The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Warren G, George Clinton, Sly & The Family Stone, Jimi Hendrix, Marvin Gaye, The Four Tops, The Temptations, Smokey Robinson, Otis Redding, Matchbox 20, 3 Doors Down, Green Day, Brad Paisley, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovski, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Pete Fountain, Louis Armstrong, and hundreds of others. My favorite instrumentals of all time are Green Onions by Booker T. & The MGs and Soulful Strut by Young-Holt Unlimited. My favorite film composer is John Williams. One of my biggest pet peeves is listening to the same genre all day, that gets repetitive after a while. You got to have variety when it comes to music, otherwise you're going to have songs stuck in your head.
Films like Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Scream, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Titanic, Terminator, Cars, That Thing You Do, and Transformers are among my favorites but I will sit through just about anything at least once. I love any films with Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise and I love films directed by George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Oliver Stone. And I think my favorite genre these days is the comic book genre. Even though I never was into comic books as a kid, I think the graphics in these films are just awesome.
Video Games
I like video games like Mari Brothers, Sonic The Hedgehog, Jeopardy, Mario Party, Donkey Kong, etc.

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