Hey You,I got the message today that you called? That was weird? Since I do not have your number, you called on second line with no caller ID and I do not have your number to call you back. Call me or go to my page and leave a message or shoutbox message. I know why you called, she told me, I said I would help you and I will. Just need more info, need more of an idea about how it is going and what it is exactly I need to do? I hope all is well with you and your family.
Hey Dude, Just dropped by to check your page. Would you believe I don't have your number anymore? Do you still pass by my house on your way to/from work? If you see my son on bus, give him the number. You should really hang out on fubar, it is a fun place. Well, talk to you soon, say"Hi" to your moms for me and hope you are doing good! Oh yeah, will need to come in and get son added to insurance, he turns 18 in a couple weeks and will have his DL.