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43 Year Old · Female · Invited by: LC Man · Joined on August 24, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on December 18th
43 Year Old · Female · Invited by: LC Man · Joined on August 24, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on December 18th

~*~Attention: I don't mind if you don't rate me high; I'm not here for rates. It's fun, yes. But not necessary. If you don't like my looks or "who I seem to be" according to my profile, then by all means - rate me by what you would rate me if we weren't here on the net. On YouTube, I do NOT sub 4 sub, I don't rate your vid high if I honestly didn't like it, and I won't blow smoke up your ass saying you were sooooo great... don't expect any different here, so... you may just be rated low. I'm not here for the points, but the fun...Besides - if you were in a REAL bar, you're not always going to "get the girl" and such.~*~

Born & Raised in Ohio, I graduated high school in 2000, and then graduated after a 2 year college course for Audio/Video Production - I have an Associates of Applied Sciences degree that I'm VERY Proud of - I worked my ass off for my 3.92 GPA, and graduated with Magna Cum Laude... And I payed for it myself Smile2.gif I went to A/VP after being a nurse aide for only 1 year and figured I'd go to get a degree to start to try to live my DREAMS - to work behind the camera in film.

My mom died in 2003 of Small Cell Lung Cancer (she was only 53 when she died), and my dad currently at 59 years old has Metastatic Ductal Carcinoma MALE BREAST CANCER in the lympnode - spread to the lung. He's on chemo & doing ok right now, but he's on O2 right now and trying to keep it cool. I see him 1/wk and call him 1/day. I try to email daily as well, and just spend time with him.
I'm married [1 year, 4 mos] and have my own house [about the same time] so I'm just "growing up" so to speak. I'm not ready for kids yet. I have a few friends [from my old job not too long ago] and am trying to maintain those friendships. It's hard, but oh well. All of that is hard to do, however, with my husband on 3rd shift and me on 2nd as a nurse aide in a nursing home. So I hardly see him, and stay up [supporting his choice to be on 3rd] after work b/c I'm so buzzed after working that I can't nap... though I should try to do that to get more than the 6 hours I DO get a day. But 6 is better than, say, 3 hours. Either way, I get a lot done in the MIDDLE oF The NIGHT. Ugh.
That's me = busy, over stressed, and depressed.

43 Year Old · Female · Invited by: LC Man · Joined on August 24, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on December 18th
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I'm currently discovering my spirituality, so to speak. I was raised Baptist Christian, but I am re-thinking and formulating what I really believe; so far, I'm just simply eclectic Christian, with leanings toward Folk Magic/Witchcraft... Not necessarily WICCA though. I'm not one to pray to other Deities, or constantly practice/adhere to one religion when it comes to ritual, etc. But I am definitely very spiritual - and believe there is SOMETHING out there. And that, to me, is what matters MOST.


Otherwise, I love to make movies, and watch and talk about them-- PS I YOUTUBE; I listen to music 85% of the time; I love video games; I read books [mostly about witches/vampires/werewolves or horror, fantasy, some SciFi]; I like to write stories [hobby only]; I scrapbook and make greeting cards-- I want to make a bit of extra money making cards as well as bookmarks, gift/goodie bags, invitations, oragami gift boxes, etc. -- but I'm not sure if I'd have time to realllllyy do it. It's way expensive, too.


I like Vampires; I like punk & gothic fashion, but I think I don't look right dressed that way - though when I went to HotTopic I said this & the chick @ the counter said I did... oH well. LOL
I love Halloween & Christmas, I love incense & candles, like I learn about Autism & am an advocate for awareness/a cure... I love to learn languages & I love accents. I CAN cook but hate to actually do it (make sense? my feet hurt too much after work to want to stand more, ok?!), I HAAATE Doing Dishes, I'm a Geek & a Nerd (tech savvy, and bookworm all in one) -- call me GERKY lol.
I love fairies, dragons, and phoenix... I have a tendancy to babble, can you tell?
I'm a DIRTY DISHWATER BLOND -- with a huge hint of strawberry blond so much that I keep being told I'm a redhead.... except if that's true - why can you barely see my eyebrows much less my hairline on my forehead?? I'M A BLOND duh lol
I'm 27 but I've always acted a bit older than my age - say by 10 years lol. BUT I can be innocently childish - just not IMMATURE. I turn a lot of things into perverted jokes, so I'm like... a 12 year old boy, in a 27 year old female's body, with the intellect of a 30-something... I'm quite mature and serious half the time, but I CAN let loose... a bit.
I love love love Eddie Izzard - not only can he run in high heels, but he can make me laugh SO hard it's not even funny. I love his kind of comedy, as well as slap stick (and when I say that I mean Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, 3 Stooges & Laurel and Hardy), some childish-12yr old boy humor is ok (like the movie STEP BROTHERS) and I like British humor stuff (Monty Python and "Are You Being Served?" rocks!!).


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[RiP Michael Jackson 1958-2009]

Faves: Michael Jackson, Joey McIntyre & NKOTB, Eurythmics, The Beatles, Bette Midler, Creed, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Alanis Morissette, Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles, Django Reinhardt ... I have a lot of random faves. I enjoy to relax to classical [Beethoven's the bomb], music from India [and other chant/meditation New Age-y stuff]; I love 20's & 30's music, 60's, SOME Disco/70's, 80's brings back memories, and even some 90's. Stuff these days tend to suck - it's hard to find good music. BLAH. I like Rock, Punk, Blues, dance [like early Michael Jackson stuff - "OFF THE WALL" and a couple of the later songs by the J5 before MJ went on his own in 78 or so], and a whole mess of other mixed genres - Adult Alternative, GarageBand, grunge, folk, poprock.... I like it all except for the majority of techno, electronica, rave type-electronic music. I'm not much of a club person, so yeah. That'll tell ya something.
I don't really "Idolize" anyone, Though my MOM Is my biggest one.

[People in Life Who get KUDOS/PROPS from me for Various Reasons]
*Ray Charles*, *Steven Spielberg*, *Natalie Portman*, *Dolly Parton*, *Sharon Osbourne*, *Donnie Wahlberg*, *Steve Martin*, *Judge Judy Sheindlin* and *Christopher Reeve*; Also Alphacat & LisaLavie on YouTube are a couple now, but mostly I put them here b/c they worked from the ground up to achieve their dreams- I hope they get there, b/c they both have mass talent. :)

So yeah.

pv_punch.jpg Dave McKean RULES
Video Games
I have an old SuperNES, a PlayStation2, a Nintendo64, and GameBoyAdvanceSP. I do love video games, but never get time to play them.
If there's on then I can say I AM Obsessed with it's SIMS. I have Sims2 - the original, plus NiteLife and Open For Business; the stuff packs I have are: Teen Style, Glamour Life, Kitchen & Bath Interior Design, H&M Fashion. I never get time to play it, but now that the economy is shit & I've had to cut costs by canceling my cable and having JUST the net, I may have more time to create & build on SIMS2! YAY.
Other than that I play games on my IPod (gen4) Nano (blue, 8gb) -- yes I tell all this b/c I love that thing. I use it a lot more than I thought I would.
PLUS I play games on Pogo.com every now and then; wanna join? username: pixl8edkat

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  • ibkristykat never gets on here- I just have too many sites I'm a member of LOL
    15 years ago · Comment

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