If you've made it this far, you're either a fan of Jesse James (default picture) or having no idea who he is, you think that this is "my face". Sorry to disappoint but no, I'm not him...nor do I claim to be. I am not on here to pass myself off as a very well known celebrity. He's an icon, in many regards, who decided to start his own business instead of trying to cover up the tattoos, wake up at 7am, & put up with the bullshit stereotypes of "Business America".
I've got a college degree from a big 10 university, 2 of the finest looking pitbulls you've ever seen, & far too many tattoos for your typical "white collar" profession, so I took the route of Jesse(and his 'boy' Cisco) and got my shit together. After multiple "do-overs" I started my own business at 23. Do I "idolize" Jesse James? Absolutely not. "Webster" defines idolize as "to worship as a god". Nobody's a god, except god..if that's who you claim. If not, I'm sure you've got a "higher power", so worship that.
With that out of the way, let's get to the juice. I am A guy. I go through pictures and rate the ones that flip a switch. Although, I'm not EVERY guy. It's not just the "dick" switch. If I find you funny, I'll rate. Sexy, I'll rate. Smart, (that's right, ladies..I read your profile first) I'll rate. Fuckin ridiculous 'out of the box' hot, I'll rate. What I will not do, is comment about "how hot your body is", "damn girl, can I fuck you", "check out my NSFW pics" or other immature bullshit. Strangers don't get a good look inside my refrigerator let alone my jockeys on the fuckin web. My education does not allow me to act like a fuckin moron with people I've never met. My friends and family have the only tickets to that show. I'm a boob-man first but I love great legs, a thick booty, and cute feet. More attracted to brunettes, than blondes, but put her in a baseball cap and she could be bald for all I care. Love girls in glasses & the way they look in hospital scrubs. Full sleeve-tats on a chick gets me EVERY SINGLE time and any girl that can drink a beer, talk shit to the refs at a football game, and make me laugh has my complete & undivided attention.
Don't get offended if I "check you out" and don't rate/add/fan or all that other bullshit. You may have chosen a really hot picture of yourself from fuckin '04, which is now far from an accurate representation. Maybe you didn't have shit to say about yourself, which is sad, and therefore I award you no points. I'm not here to boost your self-confidence & I don't care if you only need 80 more points to level. If you feel you need the reassurance that bad, go ask one of the 1800 people you requested as a "friend", yesterday,...not me...cause it aint fuckin happenin'.
Now, let's discuss the rules of the game...shall we? First, the shoutbox. If you use it, I'll shout back. If you've captured my interest enough to warrant a shout, then I feel I have something to say. Don't get all bent of shape that I didn't include it in a profile comment therefore raping you of 20 fuckin fu-points. If a point level on "fubar" consumes your existence you have issues far beyond the ones that are clearly visible. Secondly, the "admirer" game. A bit methodical, not to mention slightly pretentious, but a chance to see someone other than the same fuckin 30 people that scroll across the top of the page every fuckin day. I'll click "yes" if you flip one of the aforementioned switches (see above). If we match, it's a pleasant coincidence, nothing more. I don't want to meet, have lunch, make babies or introduce you to my mother...I simply made a split-second decision pitting you as the 'the cat's pajamas'. That's right...a looker, a dish, a dame, a fox. First glance, A-1. Take it as a compliment.
All other questions will be answered in the order they were received. Please keep all arms & legs inside the ride until we have come to a complete stop, do not eat the yellow snow, strive for something more than what's easy and for fucks sakes...it's pronounced specifically, not pacifically.