Joined on August 16, 2009
Joined on August 16, 2009
Joined on August 16, 2009
I like to play xbox 360, listen to music, watch t.v, take walks every day, spend time with friends and family, build gundam models, and read.
I like country, like Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, Alan Jackson, and many more. I also like rock and metal. Dragonforce, Metallica, Dio, Bon Jovi, and few others.
Stand By Me and Backdraft are my all time favorites, Most movies by Stephen King, any thing with Denis Leary it it, Predator 1 & 2, Star Wars, mostly comedy and action.
TV shows:
Rescue Me, Married With Children, Family Guy, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, Lost, anything about space, anything about ghosts, all of the Mobile Suit Gundam series and movies, Lost Tapes on animal planet.
Ed O'neill. He was so great at playing Al Bundy In married with children.
Video Games
Gears of War 1 & 2, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 1 & 2, Dead Space, Saints Row 1 & 2, Mass Effect, Fabe 1 & 2, Halo 1,2, & 3, Halo Wars, Army of Two, Elder Scrolls iv Oblivion, Fallout 3, Too Human, Earth Defensed Force 2017, Mercenaries 1 & 2, and Battlefield 1943 for xbox live arcade.