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44 Year Old · Male · From Indianapolis, IN · Joined on August 3, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 6th
44 Year Old · Male · From Indianapolis, IN · Joined on August 3, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 6th

Wow, Can't believe I forgot to do this sooner. Well, obviously I'm Irish and take a lot of pride in that fact. I live my life one day at a time, because you never know what day will be your last. Basically, that means I love to have fun and enjoy myself while I can. I was in the Army long enough to realize that you need to.

What does fun include? Well yeah I like to drink now and then. I love seeing the Colts play. No, I'm not a football junkie, but I love my Colts. Camping, hiking, museums, shows, you name it, I can enjoy it.

I LOVE horror movies. I'm a huge horror fan in every sense of the words. And no, that doesn't include Twilight. If you like it that's just fine. But I'll take my vampires without the sparkles or the teenage angst thank you very much.

If you hadn't noticed, I love me some metal. I like other music as well, such as blues, jazz(old school, not contemporary), older grunge rock, classic rock, and some ICP even for good measure. But metal has and always will be where my heart lies. What can I say? Metallica gave me something to live for.

I take a lot of pride in who I am. I hope all of you do as well. You should. Everyone has a reason to be proud of who they are and you should never forget what that is.

I'm very opinionated as you can tell and a bit of a smartass when I see the opportunity. So you better stay on your toes with me cause theirs no telling what's gonna come out of my mouth(except for penile excretions. No jizz in this mouth thank you!).

Erin go Braugh!

44 Year Old · Male · From Indianapolis, IN · Joined on August 3, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 6th

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