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34 Year Old · Female · From Spokane, WA · Joined on August 2, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on May 2nd
34 Year Old · Female · From Spokane, WA · Joined on August 2, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on May 2nd

Okay, so my name is Krystal, but I go by Till or Tilly, whichever one, doesn't bother me, as long as you don't call me by my real name. I'm on here because I am looking to have a night of fun with some lucky girl here in town. I've tried craigslist and all I got was a bunch of bots trying to get me to sign up on some dating site. Its bull crap. So my friend suggested this site to me. I hope it works. I do have a boyfriend and I love him dearly, so I am not looking for a guy. I'll be friends with a guy, I have no problem with that, but I'm not looking for sex from a guy, just a girl. It won't be a threesome unless you want it to be. I'm looking for a girl between the ages of 18 and 25, any older will make me feel really awkward. I don't want to experiment with someone that is old enough to be my mother. Now with this next comment, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I would highly prefer a woman that is fit. I'm tiny, and I don't want to become a pancake. You have to be clean, shaven, drugs and disease free. I don't care if you smoke or drink, I do both. But if I am to host, you cannot smoke in the room. There is no smoking in my room. If you want to have a smoke, take it outside. We have an ashtray because there are three smokers on this property. Race, religion (as long as it is not shoved down mine or my boyfriend's throat), hair color, eye color, hair length, occupation, marital status (as long as they know about it), music style, clothing style, income, shit like that doesn't matter to me. So yeah. Message me if this is something you'd like to try. I would really appreciate it. I really want to know if being with a woman is something I can do. I've only been with one girl and all she and I did was kiss, grope, and hug. I want to try more. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

34 Year Old · Female · From Spokane, WA · Joined on August 2, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on May 2nd
So love singing, writing, reading, ridding my bike and chatting on the internet. I also like listening to Foamy the Squirrel. Hes awesome!! And recently I've gotten into nude photography, so if you want to see my pics, go ahead and check out my boyfriend's deviantart page [url=whitefire666.deviantart.com]here[/url] and tell us what you think. We'll be getting more up soon but we need ideas of poses and backgrounds to do. Please leave respectful comments, if you have something rude to say about my body or the way he takes pictures, keep it to yourself unless you are giving us helpful advice. "You suck at taking pictures" "You're girlfriend is ugly" and stuff like that is unwanted. Please keep it to yourself. Thank you.
Okay, so I listen to a bunch of metal and rock. Mainly MSI and Korn, but there are others too. I don't listen to Country or Rap though. Those two bug the holy living shit out of me. If I had to choose between the two, I'd listen to Country, but if I was given a choice between Rap, Country, or some other type of music, as long as its not stupid baby songs or boy bands, or Brittany Spears, I'd chose the third option.
I like comedy movies and a few horror movies. My favorite movie is Drumline. I got that movie for my 16th birthday or something rather.
My idols biggest idol is my oldest brother Khael, he was the only one that believed I was going to graduate on time when everyone else including my parents and boyfriend at the time though I was going to go to summer school. My current boyfriend is also a big idol of mine. Hes helped me become a better person and he is also helping me trust people again and fixing what my ex screwed up in my mind. My parents, however, are not idols. They are ignorant, immature bastards that fawned over my younger brother but used me as a lab rat so they can make my younger brother's life better than mine was. I don't hate them, I just don't like them.
Video Games
I like playing simple games like Spyro the Dragon, Kerby, and random flash games. There are some times where I enjoy rpgs, but my favorite one is Metroid. I'm not much into the Finaly Fantasy games. They tend to bore me. I have an original gray box playstation, but I'm giving it away to my boyfriend's little brother because no one seems to want to buy it. Everyone wants the PS2s and the PS3s, or even the newer PS1s, the small white box. No one will take my gray box. But in return, hes buying me a Nintendo SP with a few games that I was looking at when he and I went to Trade-A-Game. So yeah.

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