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34 Year Old · Male · From Crum Lynne, PA · Joined on July 30, 2009 · Born on September 22nd
34 Year Old · Male · From Crum Lynne, PA · Joined on July 30, 2009 · Born on September 22nd

hey am John aka unlovedemon anyway am into hard rock and movies with blood in them I love anything dark skulls demons death dragons etc I like rob zombie and marilyn manson there the best I like playing games but only if I can kill in them I like football best time of the day is the night I hate the sun I love the rain and snow and the cold I hate summer I hate people that judge others I love books I do not belive in god or the devil and I am just a open minded person so talk to me!

34 Year Old · Male · From Crum Lynne, PA · Joined on July 30, 2009 · Born on September 22nd
poems, music, movies, books, cars etc heres a poem i did i do not care if you like it or not if you do you do.

Silence builds an awful wreckage of a boy
It feeds on loneliness and creates a void
Gray shadows haunt and torment and torture
A teenager is stricken and destroyed

There is no sound of laughter or happiness here
The little one has thrown in the towel today
Somber, melancholy moods decay the soul
It is futile to hope and dream and pray

Emptiness builds a home in this man
In this boy, this child where hollows have bred
A deepening sea of nowhereness consumes
And eats away at every connecting thread

Confusion feeds like a savage inside him,
Leaving nothing considered worthy remains
Destined to walk through life less ordinary
Alone, exiled, different and disdained.

beauty intoxicates all I encounter,
Yet I fail to notice,
This is my blunder,

I had a rough time,
Though now it is over,
But yet I continue clinging to what is left over,

And in doing this my depression grows deeper,
Pulling me apart at the seams,
Causing me to unravel and fall to my knees,
Pondering desperately: "How much worse can it be? "

To ease my mind of my terrible burden,
I bargain with Satan (as if he cares),
Giving me a release, in turn for my soul:
That I believe tarnished and not worth much at all,

When all of my friends have been with me till now,
But here comes the crossroads up ahead,
They give me a choice: "Stand tall or fall down."

I have no beauty or charm,
no intelligence or grace,
I will now fall in darkeness and die its all over to late to ask why?


everything in my playlist etc

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  • unlovedemon you can never be everything some one likes but if you like yourself what they think is not so big anymore
    15 years ago · Comment

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