This could take forever, but here is a quick list-- Art (all kinds but I'm a sucker for ancient art) Literature (epic stories, like Beowulf, The Illiad..I'm starting to get more into regular poetry, like the Romantics etc) Writing (love writing stories! especially romance) Reading (romance is my favorite, but if it's good or controversial, I'll read it) Flea markets & thrift stores (yea, okay, I collect weird stuff, like pop-up books) 80's cartoons! (yea, I also collect action figures and books from old tv cartoons, like She-ra and He-man, Thundercats and...My Little Ponies!) Concerts. I am a big movie and tv series geek. lol
Just about anything that has a good beat, but I do tend to lean towards Industrial/Metal more. Some bands would be as follows: Sevendust, NIN, The Gathering, Lacuna Coil, Type O' Negative, Stone Temple Pilots, Lenny Kravitz, Silverchair, Diecast, Alice in Chains, Deftones, David Bowie, Zeromancer, Seigmen, The Dreaming, Bryan Adams, Frank Sinatra, Hendrix, Joplin, Finger 11, Soundgarden, Rammstein, Etta James, etc.