45 Year Old
Joined on July 21, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 5th
About me:
I grew up in the midwest. Met some nice and fun people there. Moved to Southwest Florida about 3 years ago. People here in general aren't as nice and fun. Not to be pessimistic, as I try to be optimistic in life. I have met and ran into some decent people here, I guess it will take some time to meet more of them.
Anyhow, stop by and say hi, leave me a message, etc. Always like to hear from nice people. You could give me hope that someone besides my neighbors, people I run into in public, or anywhere in this SWFL paradise, exist as something besides hateful idiot.
I would appreciate and do the same for you.
45 Year Old
Joined on July 21, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 5th
For a little humor, copy and paste this into your toolbar....
May God give YOU a dream that allows YOU to fly And for YOU to have the faith to pursue it no matter how high .... MAY YOUR DAY BE BLESSED WITH MUCH PEACE & LOVE
Pity the Person Who Inherits a Million and isn't a Millionaire. Here's What Would Be Pitiful, if Your Income Grew and You Didn't. I HOPE U HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND