Now for the fun stuff.I am a man of life, god do love life. I'm 30 for this year at least. I have a saying that I live my life in accordance to "try anything once, try it twice to be sure, and try it a third time to make sure you weren't having an bad day". This phrase has lead me on some very interesting paths. I have no regrets in my life because of this phrase. Give a shot see where it leads you.As stated in my interest section I enjoy a great many things. Books (you can never read to much), movies they do make the long hours pass (expescially the B rated ones), art man how I wish I could have seen the masters of the past work, music I think that each person on this planet could set their life to a soundtrack.I've had a good life not a wealthy life but I've had on hell of an adventure so far and I'm just getting warmed up. I am rather quiet for the most part people who know me personally can't seem to figure out where that quiet person in me is at sometimes but we all have so many different traits that make us who we are that some parts simply get lost from time to time.
Joined on July 16, 2009
Born on November 30th
Well lets take a look through the looking glass on this shall we.
Books, ranging from Anne Rice to chaucer
Movies,from Disney to XXX (truely a lover of the B rated horror flick)
Art, god I love art
Music, from classical to Happy Hardcore
And lets not forget Adventure of all kinds