46 Year Old
From Belgrade, Mt·
Joined on July 12, 2009
Born on September 9th
1 person has a crush on me!
30, superdad of three, two gorgeous girls and then my crazy son. mechanic that spends all my time at work or with my kids, love to take my family to the lake cabin, or camping
46 Year Old
From Belgrade, Mt·
Joined on July 12, 2009
Born on September 9th
1 person has a crush on me!
hunting, fishing, my kids, listening to music, camping, cars, and cowboys football, movies, hiking, long walks, sleep, affection, travel
Feeling TWiZTED?! WE ARE: [x] Hiring all staff [greeters and promoters] [x] looking for cam candy [x] looking for fun active members WE HAVE: [x] LIVE DJs [x] LIVE cams [x] lots of drink rounds [x] fun chat