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37 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 3, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 10th
37 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 3, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 10th

Im a 21 year old proud parent of 3 beautiful kids; dalton he's 5, Logan he's 2 1/2 and Hayden, she's 5 months. Im a very outgoing, outspoken, blunt person, but im a fun girl to kick it with. Im a sagittarius and we all know how they are....on the go, always doing something and always having fun, with whatever we are doing. I like to do all sorts of things; whatever sounds good to me at the time, from hanging with friends to going to the bar, sometimes i'll just take off and be gone, i could end up at the beach, in roseburg, hell california; i've done it more than once. sometimes i get a wild hair up my a$$ and just bounce, i can show back up in a day or month, but over all i dont live by a day planner or schedule, i live day to day and take whatever comes at me in stride....you only have one life, and i say live it to the fullest!

37 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 3, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 10th
i listen to everything pretty much and yes I Love Country, i am a country girl, but i can be a city girl too. ummm, i like rap, classic rock, alternative, r&b, and whatever im in the mood for....
Ummm, this is kinda hard cause i dont watch too many movies but i like a lot- boondock saints, Pulp-fiction, super bad, 40 year old virgin, pretty much anything with Seth Rogan in it, Aladin, yes i said Aladin, and idk, a buinch of sh*t

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