The Only Limitations We Have Are Those Created By Fear. Once We Confront Those Fears, The Limitations Dissolve. And All Things Become Possible. KOOLAID 96
When You Look In The Mirror Are You Happy, Proud And Unashamed With What You See? Would You Like Believe And Trust This Person?
Would You Want Them As A Friend? Koolaid 06
The Grass May Look Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence. But It Too Has Many Weeds. Its Just A Matter Of Which Side Of The Fence The Roots Have Grown Deeper. Koolaid 07
When someone is sinking in quicksand throw them a rope, NEVER give them your hand. That way when they start going under you cant let go and they wont pull you down with them!!
C. Toelle 09
I've realized that having cancer and wanting to fight it is like being a great Matador and you want to grab this bull by the horns and wrestle in down to the ground and kill it. Problem is this bull DOESN'T have HORNS to grab onto! So the great matador is defenseless againts the bull. But there are other ways if the matador thinks quick he can
grab a sword and battle the bull that way. Sometimes he wins and sometimes the bull that wins. I have my sword and it's sharp! I'm also quick on my feet so I can side step the bull when he charges. C. Toelle 10
a smile on your face lasts but a few MOMENTS, But a SMILE on your heart lasts FOREVER! C. Toelle 2010
I Wrote These When I Was Going Thru Some Rough Times.
Call Agreement This pre-booty call agreement (hereinafter referred to
as the "Agreement") is entered into on the _____ day of _____________,
2003, by ________________________, between _____________ and
PRINCIPLES: 1. No sleeping over--unless it is very good and we need to
repeat it in the morning. 2. No meeting in public except for dinner or
drinks before the events of the evening. 3. No calls before 9PM--We
don't have sh*t to talk about. 4. None of that "lovemaking" sh*t--only
mind blowing sex allowed. 5. No emotional discussions--Ex.: Where are
we heading with this? Do you love me? The answer is no, so don't ask.
6. No plans made in advance--that is why you are called the "backup,"
unless you are from out-of-town, then it's only a one-time advanced
arrangement. 7. All gifts accepted--money is always good. 8. No baby
talk--however, dirty talk is encouraged. 9. No asking for comparisons
with former lovers--it's really none of your damn business. 10. No
calling each other "friends with privileges"--we are not friends, just
sex buddies. 11. Calling out the wrong name during sex is OK--don't be
offended. 12. No extra clothing--I don't want your ass leaving anything
behind when you leave. 13. No falling asleep right after sex--it's
over, so get your ass up and go home. 14. Don't be offended if I don't
ask if you enjoyed it--I don't care. 15. You cannot borrow my car for
any reason. 16. If anyone asks who you are, the standard response will
be: "(My roommate's) girlfriend/boyfriend." 17. Doggie style
preferred--just hit it hard and right or get the hell out. 18. Reason
for doggie style: the less eye contact the better. I don't want to look
at you, just f*ck you. 19. We hook up absolutely whenever the mood
strikes ME--so don't keep calling. 20. The most important one--no
condoms, no f*cking. Carry your ass home. 21. Bring your own drink--I
am not your liquor store. 22. No phone use, please--don't want anyone
calling back looking for your ass. *EXTRA TIP FOR SUCCESSFUL BOOTY
CALLS: The aforementioned rules may only be altered by the holder of
the agreement. If the other party attempts to change or alter any terms
of this Agreement, it will automatically become null and void and you
will then be removed from the BOOTY CALL LIST and deleted from phone
memory, email list, and aim. BLOCKED from all communications until your
silly ass understands the rules. Participating Party
Signature______________________________________________ Date:
Signature_______________________________________________ Date: