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54 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 28, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
54 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 28, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

hello everybody, thanx in advance 4 taking the time 2 get 2 know me better. Let's start w/basics-I am 6ft. 2in. tall,205lbs. I have 2 pierceings and 26 tats. I am a Virgo who is in search of his soulmate. I thought that I had found her,but my last parole violation and subsequent extradition back 2 WA. proved otherwise. I am loyal and faithful. I will literaly give u the shirt off my back,once we r friends it usually is 4 life.
I stick out like a turd in the punchbowl,wherever I am at.Idon't open my mouth unless I know what the fuck I am talking about.I will treat others as they treat me. I have been told that I am honoest 2 a fault?WTF?? My name is Rick and I live every day like it may be my last. none of us are guarenteed tomorrow.IT is funny 2 watch me walk down a street,watching people part from my path as the Red Sea did for Moses.It doesnt matter which city in what State, the results are always the same.
I am a man on a mission,I walk with purpose in my step.I would rather drop dead this instant than live 4 one second on my knees.I am a pretty righteous motherfucker,but I am not self-righteous.I will pretty much go with the flow,but don't try and switch up mid-stream or go changeing the rules.I will call u on your bullshit and expect u 2 do the same with me{good luck on that ever happening}.
Dogs,little kids, and most peoples mothers find me adorable and are drawn 2 me.I am all about the 14 words and educated enough 2 know that a ni??#r is a lifestyle and not a skin color. You can find them in any race! I am like a Timex watch,but sometimes I feel like a time bomb...tic,tic,tic,BOOM!!!
I work hard and I play even harder.What works 4 me more than likely won't work 4 you.That's cool, I won't hold that against you.There are 338 Pallaske's in the United States,but there is only 1 Rick Pallaske! I may seem intimidating,but those who truely know me,know me.
I hate liars,cheaters,theives,rapists,child-molesters,and woman beaters.Expose yourselves 2 me and you can expect a dose of your own medicine delivered by my hand or boot or both! I don't tolerate drama,B.S.,or disrespect.If you want 2 judge me b4 u know me, then FUCK OFF!! Your shallow ass ain't worth knowing anyways.
I am not a saint,but I'm no demon either.My halo is tarnished and keeps slipping down. Luckily,my horns prevent it from falling all the way off!We don't always get what we deserve or have what we want.When your number is up,so be it.Embrace the end you can't fight what was pre-ordained.Good things happen 2 good people,bad things happen 2 good people also.
Let me introduce you 2 my 3 sisters-Karma,Chance,and Fate. Karma can be a bitch and sometimes could use a little help. Chance is what you make of her. Fate can't be denied or altered.She was already a done deal b4 we even pulled our first breath.
This is who I am and how I am,take it or leave it. Don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you.The following people can lick my balls:unfaithful girlfriends,haters of every degree,snitches(that means you Robert 'Bob' Klinker),wanna be tough guys,losers trying 2 live vicariously through me. I talk the talk, but I walk the walk also. I would never ask someone to do something that I wouldn't do myself.
I leave you with these parting words form Aleister Crowley:
Man has the right to live by his own law-to live in the way that he wills to do:to work as he will:to play as he will:to rest as he will:to die when and how he will.
Man has the right to eat what he will:to drink what he will:to dwell where he will:to move as he will on the face of the earth.
Man has the right to think as he will:to speak what he will:to write what he will:to draw,paint,carve,etch,mold,build as he will:to dress as he will.
Man has the right to love as he will.Man has the right to kill those who thwart these rights!

54 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 28, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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