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48 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 16, 2006 · Born on March 8th · 30 referrals joined!
48 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 16, 2006 · Born on March 8th · 30 referrals joined!

ii want a quy who would move the haiir away from my eyes .&&. [kiissme]. a quy who would hold my hand iin the liine at the mall .&&. make all the qiirlsz jealousz. someone who would siinq to me at random momentsz // someone who would let me sleep on theiir chest. a man who would fcuk up any one for me. ii want someone who would call me three tiimesz a day just to tell me he miissesz me. someone who would just smiile .&&. make everythiinq better when ii`m iin a bad mOod. someone who would constantly make fun of me just to make me lauqh. he would always put hiisz handsz around my waiist .&&. qiive me biiq lonq huqsz. someone to kiisz iin the pouriinq raiin. a boy who would never be afraiid to be hiimself around me. and we`d arque about stupiid thiinqsz and make up a couple of hoursz later; or earliier. ii want a boy whosz wiilliin to diitch hiisz boysz for one niiqht just to spend the niiqht toqether. someone who doesn`t care what the rest of the world thiinksz about him, or me, or us. and he`ll look up at the starsz wiith me late at niiqht whenever ii wanted to. someone that would kiisz me at miidniiqht on new yearsz eve. someone who would tell me ii`m beautiiful, not all the time but when ii least expect iit. someone who would sleep wiith me jusz to hold eachother throuqh the niiqht. but mostly ii want someone who would be my best friiend and someone ii KNOW ii can trust. and who won`t break my heart.¢¾AAANNNDDDD...

48 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 16, 2006 · Born on March 8th · 30 referrals joined!
Shakira Hips Dont Lie Music Video

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  • Someone ⇒ LiFe Is WhAt Yo...
    Dell® Laser Printer 3lOOcn Printer SettingsPage:l(Last Page)service TagAsset Tag NumberTotal ImpressionsTotal Color Impres5 ionsTotal Black ImpresS ionsMemory CapacityPrinter LanguagePCL5 PCL6PostscriptPCLPostscriptPostscript VersionPostscript serialNumberFirmware VersionBoot VersionEngine VersionPostscript CRD VersionDefaultDefaultDefaultDefaultHZ98D416623 Pages3 585 Pages3 03 8 Pages64MB200407091129200407091129200407051938Roman: BlfontsRoman: l36fonts3015.10237298d2920040823151020040611155600.91.90200407131518LetterNormalLabel 2EnglishLetterBEASA4Executive8.5 x 13’LegalEnvelope #10MonarchDLCSCustomGGS4SheetsOsheetsOsheetsOsheetsOSheetsOSheetsOsheetsOsheetsOsheetsOsheetsOsheetsOsheetsNetworkFirmware VesionMAC AddressEthernet settingsTCP/IP Get IP Address IP Address subnet Mask Addr essGateway Address6 .2608: 00 : 37 29 : ad: 29lOBase-T FullPanel75. 14. 27. 78255.255.255.19275. 14. 27. 65LPDPort StatusPort9lODPort statusFTPPort statusSNMPOnOnOnDell® is a trademark of Dell Inc.WIAdobflostscripr3GeneralPort statusTJDP OnE-Mail AlertPort Status OnEWSPort Status OnIP Filter OffNumber of Fonts AvailablePrinter OptionsPaperTray Tray 1,MPFPrintVolumePaperPlain 1LabelLanguageAdobe, Postscript, Postscript3, Adobe Type Connection, PostScript logo are tr ademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ LiFe Is WhAt Yo...
    Hi there Sexy Girl!Thank you for accepting me as a friend! What a pleasant surprise to see your very sexy pictures!Have you had a chance to have a look at my naughty albums - and maybe rate and/or comment? :-)Love,Jesper

    18 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ LiFe Is WhAt Yo...
    thanks for the add

    18 years ago · Reply
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