Everyone is unique. We all have our positives and negatives, we react to different people in different ways and sometimes it takes a long time to really get to know us. As for me, I like to do my own thing and have my own way of living life. I'm a very outgoing person, I will pretty much do anything. I'm very approachable, and open so if you want to know something about me just ask, I dont have a reason to lie. I try working hard at everything i do....I hate judgement... if you dont know me, dont judge me....The greatness of another man is not determined by being superior to another man, but by being superior to HIS former self!.... GOD BLESS..
Joined on May 29, 2009
Born on November 30th
Sports,Women,FOOD,WORKING OUT, then more FOOD and Women
.......Welcome to fubar..... please hit one of the pics below to join one of our sister lounges' Come in and tell them luscious sent you and i will buy you a drink...... Look forrward to being fu-friends! HUGS
.......Welcome to fubar..... please hit one of the pics below to join one of our sister lounges' Come in and tell them luscious sent you and i will buy you a drink...... Look forrward to being fu-friends! HUGS