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69 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 24, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 17th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
69 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 24, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 17th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Enjoy meeting folks from all over. Fascinating to see so much, ah, creativity. Anyway, happily married. Hoping ti chat with some interesting people. Drop me a line if you have a minute and say hello.

Loves: my family, Fallensword, reading (Neil Gaiman, Odd Thomas, etc). Used to do some stained glass, fiddle playing.

Favorite movies: the Stuntman, Groundhog's Day, The Empire Strikes Back, Master and Commander, Terminator: Judgement Day, Mama Mia, Twister, the Day the Earth Stood Still, Fantastic Planet, any movie with Gary Oldham, the Marx Bros, Clark Gable, Paul Bettany, Johnny Depp.

Music: Bruce Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, Bela Fleck

TV: Dark Shadows, Angel, Battlestar Gallactica (recent)

69 Year Old · Female · Joined on May 24, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 17th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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Activity Feed

  • RuefussAnimaMunde
    I QUITE enjoyed reading your"About Me"!!

    15 years ago · Reply
  • quietguy127AnimaMunde
    If you’re the kind of person who prefers freedom to security, who feels more comfortable in a small room than a large one and who finds that happiness comes from matching your wants to your needs, then running to stand still isn’t where your joy lies. In New York, a part of me was always somewhere else, thinking of what a simple life in Japan might be like. Now I’m there, I find that I almost never think of Rockefeller Center or Park Avenue at all. PIco Iyer

    15 years ago · Reply
  • quietguy127AnimaMunde
By Naomi Shihab Nye

Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things, 
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully save, 
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.

Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness, you must travel where the Indian in a white poncho
lies dead by the side of the road.

You must see how this could be you,
how he too was someone
who journeyed through the night with plans
and the simple breath that kept him alive.

Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow.
You must speak it till your voice catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.

Then it is only kindness that makes any sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day to mail letters and purchase bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.A poem circulated on my Sangha's e-list. The author is a Palestinian-American poet, novelist, essayist, and singer-songwriter.

    15 years ago · Reply
  • 15 years ago · Reply
  • Mr HornyAnimaMunde

    Trying to help you get leveled...LOLPhotobucket

    15 years ago · Reply
  • 15 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ AnimaMunde
    <Stop in and have a drink and listen to some awesome tunes!

    15 years ago · Reply
  • ChochetaFuEngag...AnimaMunde
    **The Bikers Hideaway**
    We are having a grand reopening celibration this June 1. You are invited to get in on this party. The Bikers Hideaway will be closed to the public for this one day party. If you would like to participate in this celibration please visit the lounge today and subscribe. We will have guys and gals on cam, and yes it could get very NSFW.Door prizes galore and many other compititions. So stop by the lounge by clicking the bottom image and subscribe today.


    15 years ago · Reply
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