62 Year Old
From Oklahoma City, OK·
Joined on May 18, 2009
Born on July 17th
Basic Information
Birthday:July 17, 1962
Hometown:Whittier, CA
Relationship Status:Single
Interested In:Women
Looking For:Friendship
Political Views:Republican Party
Personal Information: Ask
Activities:Walking when I am Not Driving (have to keep the Blood Sugar in Check) Playing Online and Watching TV or a Good Movie
Interests:Family and Friends, TV, Computer
Favorite Music:70s and 80s and 90's Smooth Jazz
Favorite TV Shows:NCIS, CSI, Cold Case, Law And Order SVU, Entourage(HBO)to name a few
Favorite Movies:To Many to List
Favorite Books:Yeah Right
Favorite Quotations: Life is like a Coin...Heads you win and tails you loose.
About Me:Not Much to Tell....I Joined the Marine Corp right out of High School. I done My Time and Have Been Trucking Ever Since.I have been married but not any longer and have 5 Great Kids.
High School: Del City High School '81
Position:Truck Driver
Time Period:July 1983 - Present
Location Oklahoma
Description:Relocation Engineer
62 Year Old
From Oklahoma City, OK·
Joined on May 18, 2009
Born on July 17th
hey there if you want to know a lot of me just hit me up at my YAHOO MESSENGER---lovely_sandy28@yahoo.com hope we chat there sweety,,im always online see u there,,,,