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Joined on May 13, 2009 · Born on November 30th
Joined on May 13, 2009 · Born on November 30th

I am just me -- good and bad. I am...... a bitch, opinionated, determined, sweet, open minded, out spoken, caring, giving, trusting, smart as fuck, and honest. If I like you, you know it. If I don't, you know that too..... I don't let many people close to me, but the ones I do can stay there forever..... I am a strong person who has occasional weak moments..... I put up with A LOT of shit, but when I am done, I'm done!...... I will do anything in the world I can for my true friends...... I am funny, in a dry sarcastic way...... I love to just sit back and watch people...... I trust too easily, but I can recognize bullshit. Whether I want to call you on it depends on my mood....... When I like a man, I fall quickly. When I am done, I forget about him just as quickly..... I get things done. I don't just think about them..... I like money, but don't NEED it to be happy or have fun...... I get bored really easy. So something or someone has to stay interesting, or I find something else..... I love to travel, and will take off to who knows where at a moments notice..... I hate talking on the phone, but I am a textaholic...... Most people don't like me when they first meet me, which is fine with me...... Most people are intimidate by me and I love that...... Don't ask me a question if you aren't prepared for an honest answer..... I cry when I am pissed...... I have little tolerance for stupidity, ignorance, and bullshit..... I have LEARNED to walk away from a bad situation. But if it comes to it, I will beat someone's ass and love doing it...... I am faithful to my friends and my man...... I love attention, most of the time..... I NEED my coffee..... I am extremely shy.... I only buy 400 count sheets or higher... You can talk all you want about me, I don't care. I know who I am. But I will get pissed to hell if you talk about my friends....

Joined on May 13, 2009 · Born on November 30th

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