76 Year Old
From Wichita, KS·
Joined on May 12, 2009
Born on March 6th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
76 Year Old
From Wichita, KS·
Joined on May 12, 2009
Born on March 6th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
eddie1877 Yep ! It's me. I stopped in for a visit. Very Gratefully Thank You to All the Fubarians who made it possible for me to level up!!! Thank You some more too !!!!!!!
eddie1877 Thank You Very Very Much to all who stopped by when I was, again out. Ya'all are so kind and generous. Thank You. I Hope You enjoy Your Summer. Lovin', Huggin' to You.
eddie1877 Yep ! It's me. I stopped in for a visit. Very Gratefully Thank You to All the Fubarians who made it possible for me to level up!!! Thank You some more too !!!!!!! HAPPY 2014