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Male · From Martin, TN · Joined on May 5, 2009 · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!
Male · From Martin, TN · Joined on May 5, 2009 · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!

I'd do me.

Hell...I HAVE.

**Disclaimer: What you are about to read is going to sound angry in your head and, admitedly, parts of it are a bit "hissy fittish", but all in all, I'm not an angry guy. A lot of things just piss me off. *shrugs**

**If you got an 11 from me, it was real. I don't give out pity bangs online or in real life. Well...once. But that was a phase.**

**I do not have even one tattoo or piercing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that may make me "boring", but after spending some time on the net, I think that not only am I not boring, apparently I'm the most unique, "thinks for himself" sumbitch on the whole damn web. Don't like that I said that? I have two ass cheeks, you have two lips. Coincidence? I think the fuck NOT.**

About Me:

"Dylan's the cutest animal in the zoo, just don't stick your hand in the cage" - My mom

No, my username is not about zippers, buttons, bras, or jeans. It's just a personal opinion about life.

"The best laid plans of mice and men..." - John Steinbeck


I'll be totally honest here for ya', and I'll even make every effort to not come off as cocky. But I'm not promisin' anything.

I'm intelligent. Don't get offended. I didn't say you weren't. There's room at the top for several of us. In fact, it'll probably be more fun that way.

I'm quick-witted, which would be an after-effect of what I just mentioned.

I can be aggressive. Not in a angry, heated, mean sense of the word. I can be persistent. I have certain leadership qualities, although I don't always use them. I tend to be a "take-charge" individual, and I'm not known for rolling over, giving up, and playing dead for anyone. I have faced, dealt with, and survived a great deal of contention and hardship in my life, as I'm sure you have too. I don't lay down and die. For anybody.

"The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief" - Othello

Know what I mean?

I've been told I'm cocky by...a couple of people. Most people that are good at something, that have an ability at something, that think they're attractive, that know themselves fairly well, etc., usually ARE very confident. And I think that often gets misconstrued as being cocky.

I also think there are those people that just simply think they're better than other people and want to make sure you know they are.

That being said, am I cocky? Lil' bit, yeah. ;-)

"It aint braggin' motherfucker if ya back it up" - Kid Rock

I think I'm attractive. I didn't say I was Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt (For whichever side of the pole you swing), I just believe I'm hot enough to do enough, y'know?

I'm divorced. No, I don't wanna' talk about it. Get to know me, and if you still wanna' know, I'll sing my sad little song to ya', but you have to promise bourbon before and sex after.

"A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there's less of you" - Margaret Atwood

I'm a sexual person. Don't take that to mean I sleep with everything that moves because I don't. It just means that I am affectionate, I like to touch and be touched, I like to kiss, hug, fondle, lick, nibble, massage, explor-..what were we talking about again? Oh yeah. I'm a passionate person, and when I do things I care about, when I'm with someone I love or care about, I'm passionate about them.

I love women. They're a beautiful, wonderful, confusing creation, and no, I don't mind being "whipped". It's good work if you can get it. And before any fuckin' dude reads this shit, and says, "Hmph. Pussy.", lemme' point this out for ya': I may BE a pussy because I'm "whipped", but that fact alone means I'm probably GETTING more of it as well. Now shut the hell up and go buy your boyfriend some roses and a new gerbil.

"The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them." - Robert Graves

I don't really party anymore. I used to, quite often. I have some good memories from that and I have some bad ones. I'm currently working on my masters degree, and to be honest, the party scene is not my scene anymore. Everybody's gotta' grow up sometime, it just takes some of us a bit longer than others.

I don't have to get a "11" on here to survive. My self-esteem and outlook on life will survive the crush of you clicking "1". Some women find me very attractive, some don't. If you happen to fall in the "don't" category, officially I'm cool with that (Unofficially, fuck you). I like honesty. I also liked to be given 11's. So I'm torn.

You wanna' know anything beyond this, message me, find me in chat, and say hi. I'm not hard to find or hard to talk to. Lil' hard to tame though, but don't let history stop you from givin' it one good motherfuckin' try.

Btw, I know I'm flippin' the camera off, but don't take it the wrong way.

I just think I'm way damn cooler than most people.


Music: My favorite singer of all time is Frank Sinatra. I have an extensive collection of box sets, cds, memorabilia, etc. Followed closely by Lenny Kravitz.

Groups: Allman Brothers. Best ever. Everything U2 did Rattle & Hum and before. NOTHING they did after Rattle & Hum. I also love Poison from back in the day. And of course the pre-requisite for all young southern-born men, I love my Skynard. I also love Sly and The Family Stone. Just about any of group or singer in the New Jack Swing genre from the late 80's to mid 90's. Don't what that is, look it up.

Movies: Back To The Future, Tombstone, Sweet Home Alabama (Shutty), What Women Want, and Oh Brother Where Art Thou.

TV: Frasier, King Of Queens, 24, Highlander. I don't watch much current television.

Poetry: Keats, Shelley, Thomas, and particularly Byron.

In the end, I am who I am, y'know? If you like me, cool. If you don't, cool. I may like you, I may not. Can't like everybody, and my quota may damn well be met that day. I was asked recently to sum myself up in one shining statement. Fine. One last quote...

"I'm a cool rockin' daddy from the USA" - Springsteen

and I'm pretty damn proud of it.

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Male · From Martin, TN · Joined on May 5, 2009 · Born on January 1st · I have a crush on someone!

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