General interest, movies, dinner, motorcyles, friends and Family. My current motorcycle is a 2000 Nighttrain. I have put just over 147,000 miles on it already. Had a sportster before it and had 55,000 miles on it before I gave it to my youngest Son, once he graduated. Served two purposes. 1) It was an incentive to keep him interested in his goal of Graduation. 2) Gave me a reason to purchase a new bike.
Had signed up for Fubar sometime ago, but was not active with everything else going on. Currently working in Malaysia and will be back home around March 2012. So I do have some idle time on my hands, have meet several friends on Fubar and they know who they are.
My observation, it that there are two types of Fubar users, those who look at it as a game to build up points, by adding friends, sharing drinks etc. Another type are the perv's that cannot just say Hi to a woman without asking her to show her tits or more. Can get that at Stugis and other events. Of course some of the women like to show, and I have to admit, I make take a peek from time to time. Looking can't hurt. But it also is nice to see and other members online and just have fun.
Life is too short to take everyting so serious, so loosen up and enjoy life.
I try to return favors, like drinks and other things. I do not spend my money on Credits, so I cannot reciprocate with a bing. I can however send Fubucks and Drinks and usually do that everying I get online. I try to send rounds to Friends, Fans and Newbies everytime I am allowed to. I select the like button for almost everyone and if some one needs a fan I will do that as well as I know many are trying to move up to higher levels.
Well Hope to hear from you and hope you have a good time on Fubar and in your real life.
Well I like MOTOWN music, oldies , some Country and Rythm and Blues. Not into the rap songs too much however I hear some from time to time that I like.
Movies, Well I enjoy all types of movies, Drama, Adventure, Comic book reprints, Science Fiction, Comedy , Horror Movies. Guess the only ones that I cannot stand are the Musical's never liked them as a kid and still don't care for them.
I don't have Idols, figure everybody shits the same way. I do have personalities that I like. Elvis was one of them. Johnny Cash, and others of that genre.
Video Games
Video games, don't play many of them, My kids kicked my ass so many times at video games I gave up. If I do play a game, I like the simulation games , i.e. Flying aircraft. Lunar Lander things like that.
Cute Graphics