46 Year Old
From Milwaukee, WI·
Joined on April 26, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 11th
- Always a great source of entertainment. - I can make a good thing out of any bad situation. - I can find the humor in anything, any person, or any situation. - When the shit hits the fan give me a call, I'll be there for sure every-time. -I am like a jockstrap, here to support you. Don't read too much into that you wierdo's - Friends are the most important thing, give everyone a chance, otherwise you never know what you might be missing out on. - Open minded but cautious. - Did you say it can't be done? Watch this!!! - Find spending my money on others is much more enjoyable then spending it on myself(honestly.) - " You can't put a price on fun." - Open as hell, just ask. I have nothing to hide, just life experiences good and bad and I am always willing to share. - Could keep you entertained for hours with all of the stories of the things I have done. - Can't type for shit. - There is 1st place, and then there is who are those other guys. - No matter the situation, I always find myself giving it 200%, even if I don't want to. In my nature I guess. - Call them like I see them. - Can't keep the same song on my profile for more than a day i swear, it changes with my mood. - Find myself caring more for others than myself. - Someone close to me once told me, " You are the only person I know that can step in dogshit and come out smelling like roses EVERYTIME." - Have the most interesting, cool, unique, and best friends a person could ask for! - I believe there is never enough time to hang out with friends. - When life throws you a curve ball, what will you do? I'm hitting a home-run. -I babble way too much, but love writing my friends with my daily experiences. - Could care less what people think about me, if your not my friend you DO NOT have an opinion that matters to me. Wish I could win the lottery, not for just me, but so I could alleviate all of the pressures of money for my family and friends. - "Why wouldn't I" -Nicknamed "The creeper" due to me being at the craziest of places that nobody knew that i hung out at. Always creeping around town. I have no regrets, just learning experiences. I love it. - I do everything on a whim, you can't plan to have fun, it just happens when least expected. You make what seems like the best plan and it turns out to suck, but when you just randomly go somewhere you end up having the time of your life. That is when you bring the camera! Plans are only outlines of what you think is going to happen. Plans never work out exactly as you planned them. Too much structure ruins a person's life. Be free man, let life happen, don't try to fuck with destiny. Life is going to happen regardless of what you think. Love, friendships, and life will all fall into place if you let it. The more you fight it the more time you waste complaining that your life isn't headed where you thought it was going to...
46 Year Old
From Milwaukee, WI·
Joined on April 26, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 11th