I have many interests in life an finding new one when I stumble upon them.....
Browsing the web for random information about anything an everything.
Watching movies as well as anime, I don't really care for tv...I would rather watch the shows I like online with out the BS TV has to offer.
Music is a must got to have a little every day. Type goes from Metal to Opera an almost everything in between. So more than likely I have a broader range to music interest then you.
Martial arts is fun also good when needed. Plus its help flexibility -_^
Electronics are my things especially computers. (I do like all forms of OSs)
S&M/BDSM (Not a S) unforgettably have not meet women near me who are really in to that.
Instruments (so far still learning guitar.)
StumbleUpon tool bar. (You will got to places you never thought of visiting.)
Learning (I like to learn what I can when I can. As long its intrigues me)
PARTY party an some more parting.
Manily deth metal, Tehcno, Classical, Opera.....Just to name a few of the top of my head.
Anorexia nervosa, As I Lay Dying, Cold, CrossFade, Darkest Hour, Drowning Pool (old), Dying Fetus, Green Day, ill nino, Jack Of Jill, Kittie, Lacuna Coil, Marilyn Manson, Martyr AD, Murderdolls, Nightwish, OTEP, Ozzy, Papa Roch, Queen, Rammstine, RobZombie, Shadows Fall, Skindred, Slayer, Slipknot, Stain, Sugercult, Sum 41, Switch Foot, System of a down, The Darkness, The killers, The Red Chord, The Used, Three Days Grace, Thrice, Twisted Sister, Type O Negative, white stripes, Megadeath, Anthrax, Dresden Dolls...
Way too many to post....Anime, Harold & Kumar (all), Zeitgeist (all), In Time, Nightmare Before Christmas,Bad teacher, Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, Your Highness, Walk Hard The Dewy Cox Story.......
Video Games
Almost every thing. I am a gamer so I can not discriminate.