you be nice on here rate people 10's you don't you will not have any friends and right now I am not speaking to you an I dare you to burn my shit keep the threats up all cause I am seeing someone doesn't mean you have to be the asshole about it and your the one who told me to move on cause you knew I couldn't tolerate your alchol abuse and drug addict an which is true I can't so I moved on and glad I did. An I never said I was exactly Shaman and/or Goth actually I can pass better as Goth better than Shaman an I don't have to be with you to learn a religion your just saying that to have me. As far as I know I can be under any religion and be proud of it. An I didn't touch your myspace and neither did he it got hacked everybodies accounts on there get hacked mine has been a few time's so keep blaming crap on me. I am glad we never had a kid together cause your not stabled enough to have one and probably never will be.
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