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45 Year Old · From Potosi, MO · Joined on October 3, 2006 · Born on March 2nd · 4 referrals joined!
45 Year Old · From Potosi, MO · Joined on October 3, 2006 · Born on March 2nd · 4 referrals joined!

well about me umm well I'm a 27 year old gay male . Yes yes I'm single suprise *LOL* I'm a person that lives life and loves it . I'm alway's myself weather people like it or not ... I alway's have something to say yeah theres a shocker right .. Oh and did I need to mention that I'm somewhat sarcastic *LOL*. I'm a totally lovable person but if I'm crossed I'm a bitch from hell *LOL*. The pics that are on here are a bit old so bare with me and I'll have some new one's up ... my face is the same but me hair is longer now and its a dark brown not black I thought you should know that if you are going to be looken at my jazz on here ... So umm yeah I'm gonna leave ya and love ya peace out RayGayPunk

45 Year Old · From Potosi, MO · Joined on October 3, 2006 · Born on March 2nd · 4 referrals joined!
Well my intrests vary , I'm a eclectic person ..I love movies, music and books , I think that about sums it up .. but as i say if you want to know more just ask me ,,, you'll get a since of me if you talk to me ...
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ahhh my fave the movies ... The Exorcist , this is my fave of all nothing takes presidence of it ,,, I love horror and I love comedy ... there my favs I don't like that sappy love stuff
well I don't really have an idol at all but if I had one it would be Margret Cho that bitch is funny as hell if you don't believe me just watch one of her films.

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