46 Year Old
Joined on March 26, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on September 19th
·18 referrals joined!
ok, a little bout me.. im female, 30 and I am human. I have bits in the right place and hair on my head. I dont have a beard or tash... nor a hairy chest. Im a straight talking kinda girl, and will tell you how it is. I dont have a cam, nor am i into any kinda cyber or sexual messing about online. (whats the fucking point in it???!) I have a sense of humour, and when im in a good mood im really really good.. and when im in a bad mood im usually not online :)Im a nice girl, and im not a rough tramp or slapper... :o)
If you want a decent convo then message me... you want some easy lay?? move on elsewhere... if you want a laugh mesage me...
take me as i am... or dont bother :o)
46 Year Old
Joined on March 26, 2009
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on September 19th
·18 referrals joined!
Latest Status
e Smile and the world used to smile with you.. now if you smile people think ur mad!