38 Year Old
Joined on March 24, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 3rd
Well what to say about myself, hmmmm thats hard really because i was forced onto fubar because a certan person wanted fubar points for her own accout *moms eh -.-*
im an easy going guy, loves to talk and party with friends and random strangers who wont be strangers after the night * best way to meet new faces ^.^* i can also be lazy at times to, i try not to but living in the back arse end of nowhere theres not much you can do except watch paint dry.
This account is still new so if your viewing my profile right now reading this * your wasting your life reading this* give me time to update it okies ^.^ im a fubar virgin so be gentle <( -'.'-)> aww you wouldnt want to hurt this little guy now would you
38 Year Old
Joined on March 24, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 3rd
Interests now, hmmmmmmmm * still thinking* hehe im kidding i love computers *im not a computer nerd* main reason is to go on msn and sherwood dungeon *free MMORPG game* because i have some of the greatest firends on there *þØW for life*.
Other interests i have are wrestling, * loved it as a kid* rugby, and for some strange reason i want to be a firefighter, bizzare considering all the fire stations here in ireland are about as big as a 4 bedroom house.
I will add more to this later right now its 5am and im tired so bye bye