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47 Year Old · Male · Invited by: OneSpiceyChick · Joined on March 18, 2009 · Born on July 3rd
47 Year Old · Male · Invited by: OneSpiceyChick · Joined on March 18, 2009 · Born on July 3rd

I'm that guy that you ignored in highschool because you thought i was just like all the others. Thug-ish, mean spirited,no life goals,asshole etc... I'm the guy you said hi to after not seeing him in more than 10 yrs only to find you that he's doing well, was one of the nicest guys that you could ever meet and wondering why you didn't take him home to meet your parents.

I'm a bit of an analytical monster as well. Always thinking about at least 5 outcomes to each and every situation.

I'm sarcastic. Being from south Jersey , it's kind of a prerequisite.

With all these things said, don't take me as if i'm a softy.
I'm a firm believer in that whatever damage you do to me, it's only right that respond three fold.

But if you're an hones to goodness friend, there isn't anything i wouldn't do for you. Just say the word and i'll
be there for you.

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47 Year Old · Male · Invited by: OneSpiceyChick · Joined on March 18, 2009 · Born on July 3rd

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