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36 Year Old · Female · From Strawn, TX · Joined on March 15, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on August 27th
36 Year Old · Female · From Strawn, TX · Joined on March 15, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on August 27th

Okay it's time to tell the world about me.. 0. I gave my heart to Christian and I don't think he'll give it back. 1. I'm recently turned 20 and time is going by fast. 2. It sucks. 3. I live with my bestfriend. 4. It's not that bad, it has it's ups and downs. 5. I work at Starbucks. 6. I'm white but I love colored boys =]. 7. But only half. 8. But I'm still a ninja. 9. I'm a ninja damn it! 10. I am! I am! I am! 11. I play video games,yeah I'll kick your ass. 12. But not all the time. 13. I'm taking online classes. 14. I like Rap. 15. I like Rock. 16. I also like K-pop/rock 17. I don't watch TV so I know i'm never up-2-date. 18. I can draw apparently. 19. But I haven't been in a while. 20. I'm kinda a comp nerd. 21. 21 is my favorite number. 22. Apparently I'm funny. 23. I'm like always the girl people love to pick on. 24. I love olives. 25. But I hate mushrooms. 26. I'm don't have perfect grammar. 27. I blame my cuban half. 28. I love Mexican Apple Soda! 29. I LOVE Yoohoos! 30. I'm addicted to Red Bull. 31. It's like ciggerettes to me.32. But not anymore. 33. So I "was" addicted to Red Bull. 34. I can be random 35. Like a bomb 36. Cuz bombs can be random. 37. You could be walking along and then.. 38. BOOM! 39. You was just blown up by a bomb. 40. How random is that? 41. I like randomness. 42. I like pickles. 43. Not in that way sicko... 44. Ohh I also like fried pickles 45. Korean food is the best! 46. You should try it sometime. 47. I want to go to Korea! D: 48. Cuz I have never been. 49. I wonder how it feels. 50. You wanna know how it feels living in the states? 51. Eh.. 52. That's how it feels. 53. I don't even know if "eh" is a real word. 54. That's how bad it is. 55. This if fun. 56. I wonder how far I can get. 57. And you're still reading 58. You have no life. 59. I'm sorry. 60. I didn't mean to be so mean. 61. I'm sorry. 62. I wish I could sing.63. Oh someone should teach me how to play piano!64. Then I can be famous!65. That would be cool.66. Cuz then you'll be reading the words of a famous person!67. How cool would that be?68. I bet you are already excited!69. Aren't you!70. I hate bugs..71. They're icky...72. In some countries people actually eat them...73. Ew 74. I nearly got stung by a bee today...75. Its was a frightening experience..76. I'm not sure if I spelled that right..77. Hey I decided..78. That i'm going to a THOUSAND!79. Don't think I can't do it?80. Well you're right..81. I won't...82. Are you kidding me?!?!83. It's a THOUSAND!84. That's a lot.85. I want to draw people.86. You all should give me suggestions on what to draw..87. Nothing bad though..88. I should go add people..89. You should add me..90. If you haven't already..91. OH and if you steal my "about me" idea..92. I would like to let you know that..93. I have a set of skills94. Skills that made me a nightmare95. To people like you.96. Skills that'll allow me to find you.97. And kill you98. Plus god would kill a kitten if you steal my idea..99. Do you honestly want that on your mind?100. To know the fact that you killed a kitty?101. I like that movie!102. Kitty killer.103. I like kitties104. I think I should stop now.

36 Year Old · Female · From Strawn, TX · Joined on March 15, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on August 27th

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