From Beverly Hills, CA·
Joined on March 15, 2009
Born on January 1st
If you are cute rather than hot, clever rather than cool, petite rather than slim, energetic rather than complacent, curvy rather than plump, then I would like to meet you. No liars (unless you are flirting) No flaky people No granny panties! (unless you are actually a grandma ) No psycho stalker chicks! I don't care how hot you think you are! No BORING PEOPLE You must be fun And for goodness sake, have a sense of humor!
From Beverly Hills, CA·
Joined on March 15, 2009
Born on January 1st
As A Steady Member Of 'FUBAR', I Welcome You To The Best Online Pub On The 'Net'.NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE, THE FUN CAN BEGIN!!AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!MY WELCOME TO YOU!From Your Friendly NeighborhoodLadyByrd02 Swing by *If you like* read profile page and enjoy yourself.