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50 Year Old · Male · Invited by: superthugnasty · Joined on March 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 8th
50 Year Old · Male · Invited by: superthugnasty · Joined on March 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 8th

I work with a non profit organization in Atlanta GA, that is involved in the creation of a new movie indsutry here in Atlanta GA, and the south. To find more about our organization, Lantawood, go to http://www.lantawood.org,if you are interested in acting in Lantawood movie and you are in Atlanta, please call 404-521-8548 , I can alse be reached at graham.odenyo@gmail.com


Lantawood Incorporated is a non profit, grass root organization in fiscal partnership with Why
Not Me? Foundation Inc. a 501.3 organization developing a viable movie industry based here
in the South. We provide programs and services for disadvantaged youths and adults that
promote social change, improve family economic self-sufficiency and provide opportunities in
training, employment, business and entrepreneur development.

Our mission is to create over 10,000 new jobs within the next few years by helping develop the new industry in Atlanta called LANTAWOOD.

Our methodology is very straight forward. "We help you get create a career in any aspect of the new industry.
"Lantawood movies" are distributed though stores in Atlanta and the opportunities are expanding throughout Georgia. Lantawood movies offers a new generation of actors and talent an opportunity to earn a sustainable living within the industry.

Explore our site and learn more about the Vision of LANTAWOOD.
Our mission is to create jobs within the new movie industry, while offering you a cost effective marketing solutions to help your business or service. We are constantly developing and training a workforce ready to work for you.

50 Year Old · Male · Invited by: superthugnasty · Joined on March 9, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 8th
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