I am open to talking to all kinds of people, so dont be afraid to message me! I dont judge :) It would be nice to get this ball rolling.I love to engage in witty repartee with friends and strangers.4.DIs GuRl KnoWs How 2 HavE Fun.AnNoYiNg (oNlY SuMtImes) lol.ShE JusT Is 1 Of A KiNd.Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out.VERY FORGIVIN 9.10.11.I tend to have a curious nature at times; I love to explore new ideas and to mentally challenge myself as well as the person that I'm with.I dont wanna look back @ my life and have a bunch of regrets.
39 Year Old
From Minneapolis, MN·
Joined on March 8, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 11th
1 person has a crush on me!